Hiding Kiss - Amasai

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I write so much Oumasai that I forget other pairings with Shuichi and Kokichi can be super cute and fun to write. Here's Rantaro Amami and Shuichi Saihara for another kissing prompt drabble.

"C'mon!" Rantaro grinned as he tugged the detective down the hallway, "We're almost there!"

"W-where are we going?" Shuichi panted, having jogged alongside the adventurer away from the crowd leaving the dining hall.

Rantaro smiled back at the detective, a mischevious glint in his eye.

Suddenly, he ducked behind the corner, pulling Shuichi along with him. He pushed the detective flush against the wall and hovered over him.

"Rantaro?" Shuichi asked, eyes wide, a nervous frown on his face.

They were still in a killing game after all.

"We're alone," Ranataro whispered, leaning closer to the detective as he spoke, "And I can finally do this."

He spoke the last few words against the detective's lips, whose breath hitched.

Rantaro kissed the detective gently, Shuichi immediately closing his eyes and kissing back. Rantaro pulled back and looked at the shy detective, admiring his beauty.

"Hmm?" Shuichi peaked an eye open, and blushed when he saw Rantaro staring, "W-what is it?"

"Just need to fix one thing," Rantaro hummed as he slowly reached up and ran his fingers along the rim of the hat on the detective's head. With a smirk he removed it and threw it to the side. His smile grew wider as he saw Shuichi's gray gold eyes sparkle in the light. "Perfect..." he muttered.

Shuichi's blush grew darker at that, automatically reaching to pull down the absent hat, his fingers not knowing what to do when it wasn't there.

Rantaro smiled kindly and reached for the detective's hand, interlocking their fingers and bringing the detective's hand down from his face. He leaned in and placed another chaste kiss on the detective's lips.

As Rantaro pulled away the detective chased his lips, quickly catching them with his own in a much deeper kiss than before. Rantaro released the detective's hands, and his arms quickly found purchase on Rantaro's shoulders, draped on top and curled around the boy's neck.

Suddenly, footsteps echoed through the hallway. Rantaro frowned when he pushed the detective gently away, as the detective apparently hadn't heard the sound.

Shuichi looked hurt until his brain caught up to his ears and he realized what the sound meant. He quickly grabbed his hat and threw it on his head as the footsteps neared.

"Hey, Shuichi!" Kaede grinned and waved, "I was looking everywhere for you! I was hoping we could go over the plan! Oh hey Rantaro!"

"Hey, Kaede," Rantaro smiled and turned to Shuichi, "See ya later, Shuichi."

Shuichi began to walk away, obviously disappointed, and he quickly glanced back at the adventurer.

Rantaro leaned against the wall, and waved, winking at the still blushing detective.

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