Sunflower - Kamuegi

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Izuru Kamukura sees Makoto Naegi from far away, and then proceeds to meet him several more times. There's something about this boy that's different from others. This is one of my oneshots from Kamuegi week, and I've discovered that I love writing them.

The first time Izuru Kamukura saw the boy he was holding a flower.

Helianthus annuus. Also known as the common sunflower. Known for its edible oil and seeds, the sunflower has many useful purposes in society.

But that wasn't the most interesting part of the scene. The boy. He was smiling, such a carefree smile. To himself. He was smiling to no one, at nothing, save for the flower. His smile was devoid of purpose.

And yet-

"You've stopped," The scientist at his right noted, jotting it down, "Is there a reason?"

Kamukura looked away from the boy and kept moving, ignoring the pestering from the man in the lab coat.



Kamukura looked down. There at his feet was the boy, the sunflower boy, rubbing his head.

"A-ah! Sorry, are you okay?" The boy rubbed the back of his neck as he stood, a sheepish grin on his face, "I tripped and ran right in to you! My bad."

The ground around us is flat. The boy's shoes are still tied. The probability of him tripping is slim. Most likely pure human error. Does he not know how to walk correctly?

"I am fine," Kamukura responded flatly.

"Oh good!" The boy's smile shifted. Relieved. Genuine. He found himself committing this boy's features to memory more than he usually did. Strange.

Kamukura stared.

"I, uh, haven't seen you around here before," The boy rocked back on his sneakers, "What class are you in?"

"I'm not-"

"Kamukura, there you are," One of the many lab coats ran up to him. Kamukura didn't bother trying to tell them apart, "Come along."

"Oh, you have to go?" The boy reached out a hand to the other, "Well it was so nice to meet you, Kamukura-kun!"

Kamukura found himself reaching back. He nodded silently, before the scientist quickly pulled him away.

His hand was warm.

"What is your relationship to that boy?" the lab coat pestered.

"He bumped into me," Kamukura answered plainly. Seeing the dissatisfied look on the man's face he continued, "He is inconsequential."


Kamukura didn't bother sleeping most nights. He needed very little sleep, and so he used the time when the scientists were asleep to do what he wanted. Which was wander around, usually. Wandering the halls of the empty campus, going places he was discouraged to go during the day time. Sure, his room was locked from the outside, but picking it was a juvenile task, and avoiding the cameras was equally as simple. It wasn't like the campus held anything interesting, it was as boring as any other location he'd seen so far. Perhaps it was spite that drove him? A need to go against the people that caged him?

He'd have to contemplate his motive another time.

"Oh, hey, it's you!"

Kamukura turned to come face to face with that smiling sunflower boy once more.

"It's Kamukura-kun, right?"

Three times now.


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