Shy Kiss - Ishimondo

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Man I love Ishimondo so much. Here's a kiss drabble for them!

It was when he was lying in Mondo's bed, sleepy after the sauna but enjoying bonding with his new found bro that Ishimaru first had the urge. He shifted, turning on his side to examine Mondo as he spoke of his beloved Maltese.

Ishimaru realized now that he had severely misjudged the biker. Mondo was deeply passionate and hardworking, having been dealt a bad hand by life and trying to survive was no fault of his own. But Mondo also made him realize that Ishimaru may have misjudged a few things about himself.

Like the fact that he felt the urge to kiss Mondo right now.

He had never thought much about his sexuality, as he really hadn't felt sexual attraction to anyone before. But with Mondo, everything felt right.

"Bro, is everything okay?" Mondo quirked an eyebrow at the moral compass.

Ah. I suppose I was staring.

"S-sorry, I just zoned out," Ishimaru let out an awkward laugh.

"It's fine," Mondo grinned, turning on his side so they were laying on the bed face to face, "Ya know, I never woulda thought a guy like you would be fun ta hang out with, but turns out you ain't half bad, Kyoudai!"

"T-thanks," Ishimaru couldn't help but blush, averting his eyes from the biker, "You're... you're also pretty great, Owada."

Ishimaru glanced up to see Mondo's eyes drift to his lips, then snap back up to his face. When the biker realized he was caught his face turned crimson, and he let out a sheepish laugh.

"Shit. I-"

"Owada," Ishimaru interrupted the stammering biker, "May I... try something?"

"Sure, wassat?" Mondo asked, leaning in, intrigued.

"May I..." Ishimaru leaned closer still to the biker, until the two were definitely within each other's personal space. "Do," The moral compass blushed as their breaths mixed together. "This?" He hesitantly placed a quick peck on the other's lips then jerked back to his original placement, staring red faced up at the ceiling.

Mondo was silent, dumbfounded by the event, and he slowly raised his fingers to his lips, mouth hung agape.

For a long time neither said anything, then, as if time was restarted, the two began to speak in tandem.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to do that!" "Fuck can we do that again?"

"What?" They both asked in synchronicity as their faces both showed shock.

"Ya regret it?" Mondo asked first, a frown on his lips.

"No!" Ishimaru was quick to protest, placing a comforting hand on the other's shoulder, "I just feel horrible for just going for it and not asking properly!" He paused for several seconds, "Y-you... you want to do it again?"

"Hell yes!" Mondo shook his head up and down as he sat up on the bed, "Man, I've been wantin' to kiss ya since we left the sauna! I was freakin' the fuck out cuz I didn't think you'd wanna!"

"Oh," Ishimaru let a small smile cross his face as he sat up as well, "Then... may I do it again?"

Mondo grinned, "Sure, bro."

Ishimaru smile widened as he leaned in, his lips meeting the other's softly.

Maybe there was a bright side to being trapped in this killing game, after all.

Maybe there was hope.

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