Chapter 1

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Walking along the weathered, gray sidewalk Marinette spots a little weed growing through one of the cracks. It has the littlest, half trampled flower growing out of a crack. She goes and picks it, slipping it behind her ear with a little smile as she stands, nearly getting knocked over by a passerby.

Marinette huffs, making sure the flower is still in place before she runs her hands down the front of her skirt and keeps walking. The Parisian resolves then and there, it doesn't matter what happens, she's going to have a good first day.

Walking onto the school, Marinette takes in the big lawn in front of the school, the line of expensive looking cars waiting to drop off students, people walking around and greeting their friends. To them, it was just a normal Monday morning.

Through the gate, the Parisian thinks back to her last day at Francios DuPont just two weeks before.

Walking into a building that used to hold such good memories, Marinette keeps her head hung low and walks along the walls. Behind other students as they talk to their friends. Climbing up the stairs, Marinette keeps her hand tightly gripped on the railing, she doesn't have to look up to know Lila's already waiting there for her, the rest of her class watching with her. It doesn't matter what Marinette does, Lila always finds a way to get her.

Everyone just gives looks of anger, betrayal, and disappointment as Marinette walks past. No one believes in her anymore. Ms. Bustier is in the classroom writing something on the board, but taking a moment to see what it says is a stupid, rookie mistake. Someone takes the opportunity to stick their foot in her path and the girl goes crashing down.

Laughing, the rest of the class walks around her, sending little taunts her way as they go to class. The bell rings just as Marinette walks into the class. Mme. Bustier looks at her class as she welcomes them.

Marinette just goes to her usual seat in the back.

"Good morning class! As I'm sure you all know, today is Marinette's last day in class so we'll finish class a little early so you can say your goodbyes and wish her well. I'm sure you're all excited to hear she's going to such an amazing school, even though it's far away." Lila doesn't miss a beat, standing with tears in her eyes.

"Marinette, how could you! I know you didn't like me but why would you ditch us for some random school! How could you do this to your friends?" Marinette just takes out a little pad of paper, sketching on it as the class consoles her. For one, no one in the class is her friend, and for another, Marinette isn't leaving to some random school. She earned a scholarship to one of the best high schools in America.

Gotham Academy.

Even though it's in a bad city, the teachers are supposed to be the best money could buy- if the tuition is any indication.

By the end of the day, Marinette's been called a selfish brat six times, shoved nine, and called a lying bully a whopping twelve times.

When Mme. Bustier finishes her final lesson for the day she lets the class get up and 'wish Marinette well'. But in reality, the class surrounds her as Lila makes some preachy speech about how selfish she's being before going on about some time a random celebrity told her the key to success is kindness and sincerity.

Lila uses that as a segway into how she hasn't always been perfect either, cue everyone reassuring her that Marinette is the one at fault.

When the bell finally rings, Marinette is up and out of her seat without so much as a goodbye. Walking out of the school, the Parisian feels nothing. There's nothing left for her in DuPont except bad memories and worse friends. It's time to start a new chapter in her life.

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