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      Maybe it wasn't the smartest idea to dig straight down.

      "Crack!" His pickaxe slammed against the stone. It cracked with a satisfying crunch. Phil continued to eat away at the stone, trying to make a hole to the sky for his beacon. The stone crumbled under him, but instead of just more stone, he fell into a cave. Luckily, on a ledge.

      He quickly looked down as many zombies approached, not being able to reach. Their hands clawing at the stone beneath him, groans filling the caves and echoing off the walls. A faint groan of a baby zombie echoed. Phil shot them until none remained, was that a baby zombie he heard? He softly hopped down and placed a torch. But to his dismay, not all the zombies had been slain.

      A baby zombie in full golden gear scratched his legs. He quickly grabbed his sword and knocked it back, setting it aflame. A spider crawled out and lunged, he blocked, throwing it back. It landed on its back, before hopping back up. It's fangs twitching menacingly.
      "Hiiisss...." The blast rang throughout the cave knocking him back as shards of rocks stabbed into his skin. He winced, dots of blood peaking from the wounds. The baby zombie ran at him, his clothes like a kindle as he too caught fire. Phil attempted to put it out, but it was no use. He could feel the flame lap at his skin, burning it away. He gritted his teeth and started to run, noticing his slight limp. The spider struck him down landing a swift bite on his neck.

      Blood flowed like a river from it as he knocked it off. Run. Run was his only option. The flames burned the wound as he ran into the darkness. Phil coughed, his entire body aching, energy draining from him. He shuffled through his pocket, the baby zombie landing a deadly blow to his exposed stomach. He cursed the elytra that was strapped to his back. It leaving his entire abdomen exposed, like a target.

      Phil silently cheered as his hand grazed the enchanted golden apple, he pulled it out and went to bite it. But it was far to late.

       The spider leaped and knocked it out of his hand, it falling to the ground. The golden armored Zombie landed more blows, the fire burning the skin off his hands as his sword clattered to the ground.

      Phil weakly yelped, the spider bit once again into his neck. At this point, he couldn't move, his body too weak. His racing heart started to slow as the zombie tore at his flesh. Phil feeling every bite, scratch and burn that licked his body. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he realized that death was at his door.

      Phil took one last breath, before the darkness consumed him. His heart no longer beating as strong, as it grew still. Philza, had finally died.

RunawayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora