Chapter 7- Tubbo

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       "Wow, your friend lives in a forest, how original." Techno droned, slashing a branch.
        "I don't need your pig sarcasm Techno" Tommy muttered. He grinned, letting go of a branching, swiftly hitting him square in the face. "Ow! You bitch!" Wilbur burst out laughing as Phil just grinned. "You guys suck..."

       Soon the group came upon the small cabin that sat in the deep woods. The windows were lit up, clearly someone was home. They walked up to the house, Wilbur knocking gently on it. Instantly, the door swung open. Revealing a brown haired boy with small horns and deer lower half. Wearing tan shorts and a green shirt, he also had some deer ears too. He glanced at Tommy, his face lighting up.
       "Tommy!" He yelled, quickly moving aside to let them in. "Mom! We have some visitors!" He shouted. "It's Tommy and some of his friends!" He bounced inside, Phil closing the door softly behind him. He still had his cloak covering his face, just in case. A women stood in the kitchen, same long brown hair with no horns and a lower deer half, but her eyes were yellow. She turned around and faced them, a warm smile gracing her face.

       "That's quite a lot of people. Would you four like something to drink?" She asking, putting down the dishes she was washing. Tommy was quick to answer,
        "Just some water for all of us, right?" He glanced at them.
        "I kinda wanted some apple juice but ok." Wilbur muttered. Tommy bit back a comment, it was probably best to not use foul language. She filled up some glasses and set them down on the table. The four took some seats, with Tubbo also sitting down. His mother returned back to doing the dishes peacefully. Humming a melody from some song Phil didn't quite know.

       "So... Who are these people?" Tubbo asked, glancing at Phil nervously. Which was resonable, he did look pretty suspicious with the cloak on.
       "Oh these three? This is Techno," the pig came a small wave. "That's Wilbur." He smiled, saying a quick hi. "And that my friend, is Phil." He waved. Tubbo nodding, still staring at him.
       "Whats with the creepy cloak?" He asked, "I mean, you never talked about Phil." Tommy looked at them for help, silently asking if he should tell. Techno shrugged, Phil nodded. He didn't care too much, even if the family told they would have too far of a travel to actually reach the facility. You'd think with the high technology they used to get him here they would actually invent useful stuff. Like faster transportation or communication.

      "Ok, well, Phil isn't exactly from here..." Tommy trailed off. Phil sighed and took off the cloak, a nervous smile on his face. Tubbo gasped, way too loud.
       "A human? Holy- didn't those things go extinct millions of years ago? Or was it thousands?" His mom turned around, looking just as surprised. Tubbo sprung up, walking over to Phil and inspecting him. Before he ran away and came back with a book.
       "A human huh. Never thought I'd see one." Tubbo's mom muttered, squinting at him. Phil waved with an akward smile. This was so weird. Tubbo slammed the book onto the table, it opened to a page. He twisted it towards Phil, pointing at a picture shown.
       "You look way different from what this drawing shows. Or, an interpretation of what a human would have looked like." Phil looked at it. The 'human' shown had a big head with long fingers. Its body had long arms with big eyes. It looked very weird. Phil cringed,
        "I know right! But you look just like me, execpt with no horns or deer half." He chuckled.
        "How did humans even go extinct?" He asked, it was a question he was always curious about. But Tommy, Techno and Wilbur claimed they didn't know. Since none of them really went to school appearently. No wonder, they always did some dumb shit.
       "Oh it's quite fascinating. Humans just one day disappeared, slowly. Sometimes their corpses would be found, but then, just disappear the next day. Into complete dust. Isn't that weird?" Phil nodded, how would that even be possible? Humans disappearing into dust? There must be a reason for that. If so, how did he come out alive? "Some believe that our common ancestor are the humans. Which would make sense, since we look alike."
      "Listen, that's great and all, but we came here to stay for a bit. Since some people are chasing Phil." Tommy inturupted. Tubbo's mom looked concerned,
       "Who?" She asked.
       "That stupid experimentation facility, they brought him here in the first place." Wilbur explained. Tubbo hummed,
       "I never really liked that cruel place." He muttered, his mom agreeing.
       "Well it's fine by me, just don't break anything." She stated, turning around and walking away. The deer grinned,
       "Awesome! We could figure out the human extinction mystery!" Techno sighed,
        "Why does that matter?" He gasped,
        "Aren't you curious?" He looked at Phil for support.
        "I don't see why not? It would be nice to know my species history." He never knew where he came from or how he ended up alone in a empty world. Not even his parents or anything. He only knew how to speak, read and write from the villagers who took him in. Though they were always a little.... Stupid.
       "Oh great, a side quest." Techno muttered, standing up.
       "So tell me Phil, what do you remember about your home?" Tubbo asked, a notepad suddenly in his hands with a pencil. He blinked,
       "Umm, it was completely desolate of any intelligent life forms besides the villagers. Who taught me everything. Though, there are some structures scattered about." He mentioned. Suddenly Wilbur and Tommy were invested.
       "Wait, what was in and one those ruins?" Wilbur asked, Tubbo nodding. Phil hummed,
       "Just treasure. I mean, there would be some symbols of mob bosses. Like the ender dragon, gaurdian, and the wither-
       "The wither?" Tubbo inturupted him, sitting up in his chair. Phil nodded, confused at what importance the boss has. He jumped up, "isn't that the mob that can curse you?" He asked. Phil shook his head,
      "No, it gives you a withering effect. Which hurts."
      "No it doesn't." He sprinted off and came back with another book. He shuffled though it, before stopping and laying it down on a page.

       It was titled Wither with pictures and other information.
      "This is a book about mob bosses. They too exist in this world, though summoning the wither is forbidden. Since who ever comes near it gets cursed." Phil was now utterly confused. "The curses vary, and catch this, you can get turned to dust. Or even grow new appendages." Wilbur gasped,
        "Your saying... The wither is he cause of humans extinction?" Tubbo nodded excitedly.
       "Yeah! There are many theories based on that the wither killed the humans. Though little proof."

       "What? But I killed a bunch of those." Phil commented. Tommy laughed,
       "Please Phil, that's not possible. One person can't kill a wither. Well, maybe Techno could."
       "Damn right! I could take down that nerd." Techno yelled. He looked over to see the pig trying to nap on the couch. He huffed,
      "But I did." He muttered. All of the bosses in fact. Wilbur frowned,
       "But spawning a wither would wipe out an entire species. Or it did." Tubbo nodded.
       "True. But maybe the curse got spread like a disease, without them noticing. Creating angels, pigmen, fish people, demons, all that. Completely whiping their memory of ever being a human." Tubbo theorized. Phil shrugged, it sounded possible, even if the wither never really gave him that effect. He sighed, standing up.
       "You know what? Nevermind. I'm from a different universe anyways." He commented, flopping down onto the couch next to Techno. The pig opened one eye, before closing it and going back to sleep.
        "Yeah, I don't really see the point." Tommy said, giving a sympathetic smile. Tubbo frowned,
       "But what about how Phil got here? That might be useful in getting him back home." He sat up, "maybe it's connected to human extinction." Phil chuckled, looking away. "Do you want to go back?" Wilbur looked at him, a nervous expression on his face.
       "Well... I mean. Kinda, but not really. It's a bit lonely I gotta admit." He smiled sheepishly. He never really thought of that, going back to his world.

       He's happy here. With friends. Even if he enjoyed building and flying to the highest heights with his elytra. There were still nights of him laying in bed, feeling cold and empty. No matter how many stories he created and buildings he made to fill up the space. The world always felt so empty. Just like him.

       Yes I made Tubbo a nerd. Deal with it. Also, some lore that I just spit out at you (:


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