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As you raised your head to begin walking away, your eyes happened to land on a certain male leaning against the wall not too far away from you, and as your eyes met you couldn't help but huff in annoyance after seeing how he smirked and looked away whilst snickering softly

That cocky bastard...
Is he the one who put it in my locker...?

You walked over to him and grabbed onto his shirt's collar, flashing him a light glare as you looked up at him 

Jungkook: What's so funny Kim?

His face remained expressionless as he raised an eyebrow whilst looking down at you, slowly crossing his arms as he spoke in a bored manner.

Taehyung: And why do you think that's any of your business, hm?

The grip on his collar tightened lightly as you gritted your teeth, not liking his awfully suspicious attitude

If you have a problem with me talk to me directly, don't waste your time leaving foolish notes in my locker trying to threaten me.

A breathy and low chuckle rumbled out of his chest as he looked away, eyes flashing a threatening yellow mixed with some green as he clearly got annoyed

Before you could register what was going on, he had grabbed you and harshly flipped the two of you over so he was pinning you against the wall, pointing his wand at your throat while still keeping that same unreadable look on his face from before

The tone of his voice being calm yet threateningly low and harsh, making you flinch lightly as he looked into your eyes when he spoke

Taehyung: Look... I don't know what kind of note you're talking about, but I suggest you get out of my face while I'm asking nicely. Understood?

You looked up into his eyes wanting to talk back, however, you couldn't bring yourself to form any words under his intense stare, so he raised an eyebrow as he leaned in slightly closer to your face making you shiver

Taehyung: I said... Understood?

A sight of defeat left your lips as you finally nodded, finally making him let go off of you as he fixed his shirt and loosened his tie before walking off, not sparing you a second glance.

Meanwhile, you bit your bottom lip in annoyance and some mild embarrassment, lowering your head lightly as you ran your fingers through your locks slowly

Jungkook: I don't trust him...

You shook your head before walking off to head to your next lecture, feeling slightly paranoid knowing you can't risk any kind of a slip up or people will for sure find out...

As you made your way into the classroom you headed over to an empty seat in the far back before taking out your potions book feeling a bit spaced out, you didn't even notice professor Lynx come in until he wrote down his name on the board and threw the pen down onto the desk getting everyone to quiet down

He scanned the room as he nodded slowly before continuing to make sure everyone was here

Lynx: Welcome to potions class everyone, I am Professor Lynx and I will be in charge of teaching you about potion and antidote making... Open your books and turn to page 58

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