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An attempt to suppress your sobs was made as you saw Jungkook weakly reach up his hand towards you, so you swiftly held it tightly as you watched how he struggled to stay conscious

Jimin: J-jungkook- stay with us-!

He forced a soft smile as he tried to hide his pained whimper whilst trembling, a couple of silent tears slowly rolling down his cheeks as he tried to put on a strong façade to reassure you all

Jungkook: I'm o-okay silly.. I'll just... s-sleep for a l-ittle until they b-bandage me up...

Hoseok and Yoongi actively tried to apply pressure to his wounds to control the bleeding whilst you sniffled softly trying your best to make sure he stayed with you all, though as his labored breaths visibly got more and more hitched and weak, you shook your head and sobbed out loud finally feeling how his hold on your hand loosened until it fell out of your grasp lifelessly




The three of you tore yourself away from your friend's body letting the medics get to work, the horrid sight visibly making you shiver as you sniffled whilst looking up at Yoongi and Hoseok in fear and worry 

Jimin: H-hyung it's so b-bad... A-and he must've b-been in so much pain- y-yet that idiot w-was trying to reassure us-

You broke down sobbing once again as Yoongi pulled you into a tight hug, rubbing your back trying to comfort you

Yoongi: That's Jungkookie as we know him baby... He's stubborn we all know it, he'll be okay...


Once you were teleported back to the arena after winning the final duel, a proud and happy smile painted your lips seeing you managed to place first this year once again, completely oblivious to the strange tension inside the arena, you smirked and headed over to Jungkooks friends whom you managed to spot standing amongst the crowd

Taehyung: Hah your friend was so set on dueling me, yet I didn't see him. Don't tell me he's hiding somewhere in embarrassment now?

A soft chuckle left your lips, though your smirk slowly faded after seeing the looks on their faces when they turned towards you, one of them sobbed softly into Yoongis chest whilst both Yoongi and Hoseok looked completely drained as their expressions were unreadable, voice hesitant and on the verge of breaking as someone finally spoke up

Hoseok: Jungkook-... was almost just k-killed...

You froze up from shock and disbelief as you let out a breathy chuckle

Taehyung: W-wait... what did you just say? ...Is this a joke?

Hoseok shakily pointed over to your right, and you could feel the blood drain from your face as you watched how the medics picked up the stretcher carrying Jungkooks limp and pale body covered in blood out of the arena, the pool of blood left behind on the floor making you feel sick to your stomach as you slowly tore your gaze away from the sight 

Taehyung: What the fuck-... How did.. t-that.. happen?

Yoongi: Kim Woojin used the sectumsempra spell on him during their duel just now...

A sigh left Yoongis lips as he took a step closer to you, crossing his arms as his eyes almost darkened

Yoongi: Look... I don't know what kind of quarreling bullshit you and Jungkook have going on, but don't bother him about what happened today. If Woojin hadn't played a dirty trick like this, then Jungkook would've beaten your ass in the duel for sure.

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