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Silent tears visibly rolled down Jungkooks cheeks as his trembling figure swiftly pushed past you and hurried out of there, leaving you and the others completely stunned from shock as you tried to comprehend what was going on

Meanwhile, Woojin and his friends still audibly snickered at him whilst proudly smirking, clearly feeling no remorse over whatever they had done to him before any of you got there

So you turned towards him, eyes turning pitch black as you gritted your teeth whilst speaking in a threateningly low tone

Taehyung: Explain yourself you bastard...

The proud smirk never left his lips as he crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at you in amusement

Woojin: I have nothing I need to explain, it's that filthy powerless mudblood who has been fooling you guys all this time!

A huff left your lips as you glanced over at Namjoon and Jin, nodding at them as a signal to check their wands. So they used the Prior Incantato spell and merely seconds later had a look of horror and disgust paint their faces, making you frown in confusion as you waited for them to say something

Jin: Son of a bitch...

Namjoon immediately charged at them, grabbing ahold of Woojins collar whilst speaking in a despiteful tone towards him

Namjoon: You fucking used the crucio curse on him?!

Woojin just laughed in amusement whilst you clenched your fists in disgust and disbelief, moving Namjoon out of the way as you glared at Woojin and his friends, feeling your blood boil at the mere sight of them right now

Taehyung: So it's you... You're the one whos been torturing him... How long have you been pulling this shit, you sick bastard?!

This instantly made Namjoon and Jin frown in confusion as they tried to ask you what you meant by that, though you were too focused on getting an answer out of him as Woojin just chuckled and looked you dead in the eye

Woojin: Well you're the last person I would have expected that mutt to go tattle to, then again you must've gotten a nice thank you reward after am I right?

An angered hiss left your lips as you swiftly raised your wand and threateningly pointed it right at his neck, your voice automatically deepening from anger as you gritted your teeth

Taehyung: Answer my fucking question.

He smirked proudly as he shrugged, briefly glancing over at his friends and then back at you as he spoke with no remorse evident in his tone whats so ever

Woojin: Could it have been an hour before he finally cracked? Or are you asking about the times before?

You muttered out a low ''You disgust me'' before finally letting go as you turned around to leave with Namjoon and Jin, only to stop in your tracks as you heard Woojin and his friends start to make fun of the situation.

So without any hesitation, you turned around and threw a hard punch at Woojin and then kicked his friends just as harshly, making them all fall down groaning in pain before you finally walked off.

Once you got out of there, Namjoon and Jin stopped you as they clearly looked really concerned

Jin: Taehyung... What's going on? You knew about this happening to Jungkook?

You sighed and shrugged lightly, practically staring into nothingness as you didn't know how to feel right now

Taehyung: I had a suspicion yes, he was the one who nearly killed him back during the evaluations... And when I saw the bruises and writing on him I-... Doesn't matter, but yes I suspected he might've been to blame

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