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After leaning against the lockers for a bit, trying to come up with a good way to break the dreadful news to your best friends, and after a while, you finally let out a shaky sigh as you nodded to yourself before glancing down at the book in your hands

Jungkook: I can do this, I just need to return the book first...

As you headed over towards the stairway and began to slowly make your way up the stairs, you soon halted your steps and raised your gaze after hearing someone at the top of the stairway clear their throat, and you could practically feel the blood drain from your face in fear whilst you accidentally dropped your book down onto the ground, seeing Woojing sttod at the top of the staircase with a sick grin plastered on his lips

When you swiftly turned around to hurry back down in an attempt to escape him, you couldn't help but flinch as you saw Seojun and Changmin at the bottom of the stairs smirking as they slowly began to take steps towards you

Woojin: Looking a little pale there Jungkook, come on your sunbaes just want to have a friendly little chat with you like last time.

His friends tried to grab you so you kicked Changmins leg earning a pained groan out of him as he hunched over, you then took this opportunity to quickly stop Seojun from grabbing you by holding onto his wrist and twisting it, finally forcefully pushing him off to the side as you ran down the stairs as fast as you could

Desperately beginning to run down the hallway only to abruptly halt your steps in fear, seeing how the lights in the hallway quickly began to shut off one by one making everything pitch black

Despite your attempts to still continue on forward to find someplace to hide, a surprised yelp soon left your lips as you were forcibly grabbed and pushed into a dimly lit room as the door was slammed shut right behind you

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Despite your attempts to still continue on forward to find someplace to hide, a surprised yelp soon left your lips as you were forcibly grabbed and pushed into a dimly lit room as the door was slammed shut right behind you.

Taunting laughs echoed around you as they stared down at you in amusement, seemingly just finding this situation entertaining as you glared up at them

Woojin: Nice try you stupid mutt... You really thought you could escape us?

When your eyes adjusted to your dimly light surroundings, you noticed you found yourself inside the gym storage room, and so you grabbed the nearest object which unfortunately just happened to be a basket ball but nonetheless harshly threw it at them in a sad attempt to fight back, though instantly flinched and covered your ears as Changmin caught it before bursting it, making a loud bang echo inside the room

Woojin slowly approached you as he shook his head whilst laughing at you

Woojin: Hah people say you're smart, but your stupidity truly amazes me...

You flinched and froze up as he crouched down in front of you, grabbing your neck and tightly squeezing it as he had a sick smirk on whilst you desperately tried to fight off his harsh grip 

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