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Once you got back to your dorm you shut the door behind you before slowly sliding down against the nearest wall, rubbing your eyes to try to stop the tears from rolling down your cheeks, eventually giving up as you just helplessly pulled your knees up to your chest and hugged yourself, lowering your head as you whispered out a soft

"P-please help m-me..."

Suddenly the sound of your phone's ringtone broke the heavy silence inside your dorm room, and so you slowly fetched out your phone from your pocket before looking at the caller ID, instantly taking a few deep breaths to try to pull yourself together as you saw it was your grandpa, finally answering the video call after a little while and flashing him a soft smile as you saw him smile warmly back at you through the camera

There's grandpas little boy!

You waved gently whilst letting out a ''Hi grandpa...'', making him tilt his head as a concerned frown visibly painted his facial expression, clearly having noticed something was wrong

What's wrong dear? Are things tough at university?

A soft sigh left your lips as you hesitated for a bit, scratching your nape lightly as you shook your head somewhat in denial

Jungkook: I mean things are fine I have great friends I told you about... I'm just- scared of what will happen when they find out I have no powers... Most of the students here are purebloods and I-... I'm just a mu-

He instantly cut you off, clearly knowing what you were about to say as he spoke up in a stern but also reassuring manner

Jungkook. Ones blood relations don't define your worth, true powers come from within you. Remember what I told you before you left for Uni?

You bit your bottom lip and nodded slowly as you raised your head to looked back up at him through the phone screen

Jungkook: ...If one doesn't have power, create one... But grandpa- that's impossible...

Another warm smile painted his lips as he shook his head at you

I'm not asking you to learn how to control fire, get super speed or shape shift dear.

The strongest power one can have is compassion and kindness, you're stronger than you think my dear boy and you've already proved that to us all.

A silent tear rolled down your cheek as you nodded slowly, finally wiping your tears away as he tried to reassure you some more, eventually being interrupted by the familiar sound of his name being called out by his friends who seemingly just arrived there

I'm gotta go now, the boys wanted to play godori and just got here. But I'm always here, call me whenever you want to okay? Oh and one more thing- Your mother would be so proud of you dear... Love you

You flashed him a warm smile as you let out a ''Love you too'' before hanging up on the call, putting the phone back into your pocket before ruffling your hair as you scrunched your nose lightly

Jungkook: I need to shower, I smell like... sex and that stupid cologne of his...

Despite the hint of annoyance and disgust in your tone, a sheepish smile still painted your lips momentarily before you shook your head and got up to go wash up

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