When you're his mistress | Park Jimin

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When people think of the word 'mistress' they think of 'Homewrecker' or 'slut'.
But It's not my fault that I fell in love with my boss.

The second I laid eyes on Park Jimin he made my heart skip a beat, I couldn't keep my eyes off that man, I was his secretary, meaning that I was going to see him every day, and it put a huge smile on my face.

When he shook my hand, I noticed the wedding ring on his ring finger, making my whole demeanour change and he noticed, and questioned whether I was alright but I put a fake smile on my face, assuring him that I was fine.

Throughout the months, Jimin and I had gotten closer and the closer we got, the stronger my feelings were for him. I never saw his wife up until the day he landed his lips against mine, his lips were soft and tasted like strawberries, I felt intoxicated, the kiss was full of passion and lust, I couldn't get enough of him.

Then he got a call from the receptionist, letting him know that his wife was here. He looked into my eyes full of worry, I once again gave him my fake smile, but inside I was dying, it felt like my heart got stabbed repeatedly.

I sat by my desk in Jimin's office, I saw his wife walking in, her smile was so precious, she was so full of life, it broke my heart even more when he gave her a peck, an action so small, so short, broke my heart into pieces, it hurt me more than words could even describe.

Ever since that day, I couldn't keep away from Jimin and he couldn't keep away from me, every time he was with me I felt only happiness, love, passion and lust. Any time I tried to distance myself from him, he pulled me back with his sweet words.

Now I'm in bed with that same man, wrapping my naked body against his as if my life depended on it, he lightly caressed my hair, landing a soft kiss on my head. I knew it was wrong, I always felt a pang of guilt every time Jimin was with me, I just didn't want to let him go, my love for him was too strong.

His phone rang, snapping us both from our trance, he saw the name displayed and quickly sat up, making me sit up with him as I held the blanket against my chest.

"Hey babe."
Again my heart felt stabbed into, it will never be just me, I will always be the side chick.

"I was just about to leave work."
I closed my eyes, trying to hide my tears as I fiddled with the blanket.

"See you at home. I love you."
He hung up and started to dress himself.

"Y-you're leaving?" I spoke up, my voice quivering as I tried to control myself from crying.

"Yes, I'm sorry princess, Alaiya needs me." He pulled up his trousers and gave me a peck before grabbing his phone from the night stand. He made his way to the door, holding the handle and I spoke up once again.

"Jimin...I can't do this anymore." He turned around, looking at me in confusion.
"What are you talking about baby?" He asked in concern. "Whatever this is..."
i motioned to the both of us, "I can't do it anymore." I looked at him with my teary eyes and his eyes soften as he sat back down next to me. "Why beautiful?" He caressed my cheek tenderly, making me sigh internally then slowly pulled away.

"Because I don't want to be the side chick, I love you so much and I don't have you to myself and it hurts too much Jimin." I cried out, my hands began to tremble as the tears rolled down my rosy cheeks. "I love you so much Y/N..." I heard the sadness in his tone and it made my heart clench. "I know...but you don't love me enough to leave her." He didn't say anything for a couple of seconds, he looked deep in thought.

"It's complicated baby...I can't just leave her like that." He spoke softly, grabbing my hands in his and soothingly rubbed my knuckles in circles, but I snatched my hands away from him. "You're making it complicated Jimin." I replied coldly, making him sigh in return.  "Please go." 

I pointed towards the door and Jimin looked at me in panic. "Baby please don't do this." He held my cheeks in his hand, trying to reason with me, but I pushed him away.

"I will not be your second choice, I will not be the woman on the side, it hurts me every time you show her the same love you show me, you can't have both of us Jimin, I can't put myself through this pain anymore, it's too much and I've reached my limit." I poured out all my thoughts and pain throughout these last couple of months, and Jimin look stunned. I could see the hurt in his eyes.

"Now please leave...go to your wife." I looked down at my hands, my tears dropping down onto the blanket. Jimin placed a peck onto my forehead before making his way to the door.

"I'm so sorry, you don't deserve this...but my love for you was real." He said lastly and walked out the door.

That night I cried myself to sleep with the epiphany that....

I would've been nothing more than his mistress

"The scorned woman, a home wrecker, and what other names would you call me by? What is my fault if I fell In love with a married man, he too, fell in love with me, didn't he? There must be something about me, isn't it? Or am I just a rebound for him too? What if "i" get that special place in a mans heart, that is solely for me, I deserve unconditional love too, don't i?"

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