When a woman falls on him | Park Jimin

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Love is such a strong word, nowadays it's word has lost its meaning due to the fact it's been thrown around a lot like it's nothing. It's such an intense feeling, it's indescribable, only one who truly feels it understands what it means to love and be loved.

This is what I felt for the man sitting opposite from me, I never thought I could ever love someone as much as I loved him. Jimin and I sat outside in such a beautiful vintage cafe, we both just continued to look into eachothers eyes, as if only our eyes could communicate, he took my palm in his hand and landed a soft kiss on my knuckles, making me blush at the sweet gesture.

The rain really completed the moment, the sound of the raindrops hitting the ground always calmed my mind. We were interrupted as we saw a girl running in the rain, making her slip and land on Jimin, he held his hands around her waist to keep her steady. "Are you okay?" He asked in concern, she opened her eyes, and looked at him. "Y-yes, thank you." She stuttered as her cheeks had gotten pink in embarrassment.

He continued to stare at her and gave her the smile that I adored, but my heart ached knowing that it wasn't because of me, I felt so invisible. Tears clouded my vision as I slowly got up and walked away from them, not caring that I was got drenched cause of the rain and ignoring Jimin calling out my name.

It wasn't long for Jimin to distance himself from me, I knew I already lost him, it broke me but I didn't want to let him go. For weeks I've questioned what she has and I didn't. better body? Cuter smile? I gave him all my love and trust, and it wasn't easy to get either of them. It took months for him to gain my truth and minutes to break it.

I sat on the couch waiting for Jimin to come home, I heard the sound of the door opening and he walked in. "Jimin...can we talk?" I spoke lowly. "Y/N can we talk tomorrow? I'm really tired." He rolled his eyes, making his way upstairs. "Fine, I'll put it into easier words for you. We're done." I crossed my arms, seeing Jimin freeze in his spot. He quickly turned around as his eyes widened, "what? why?"  He rapidly made his way back downstairs.

"Don't act like you don't know why Jimin...you think I don't see her name up in your phone with a heart next to it? You think I don't notice you coming home late? You think I don't notice how red and swollen your lips are? I notice everything-" my voice cracked and Jimin's eyes softened at my state. I took a deep breath and walked past him to our bedroom and I heard him walking after me.

I took out a suitcase, filling it up with all my clothes as I saw Jimin standing by the door in my peripheral vision. "Y/N please, let's talk about this." Jimin spoke nervously, making me scoff. "Talk about what? That my EX boyfriend is a cheating asshole? Don't waste your breath." Every word was filled with venom, making Jimin slightly flinch from my tone.

"But where will you go?" His voice filled with concern, "that is none of your business." I closed the suitcase, and dragged it as I walked towards the door. "Y/N I really didn't mean to fall out of love for you...it just happened...but that doesn't mean I don't care about you." He gave me a sad smile, making me roll my eyes. "If you fell out of love for me that easily, it means you didn't really love me in the first place." I stared into his eyes coldly.

"Now you and that girl can be together without any complications. I won't stand in your way." I smiled sarcastically as my eyes brimmed with tears. I pushed past Jimin and he held me back by my wrist. "Please don't go." His voice was shaky but I didn't turn to look at him.

"L-Let me go Jimin, don't give me another reason to want to slap you cause I'm really holding myself back." I pulled my wrist harshly away from his grip as a tear trickled down my cheek. I walked downstairs and Jimin gaze never left my figure. I held the handle and turned to look at him, and I could see his eyes full of tears. "I deserve so much better." And Jimin nodded tiredly in agreement. "Y-you do...and I'm so sorry that I didn't treat you like the queen you are." He looked down in shame.

Sometimes...sorry is just not good enough. Goodbye Park Jimin." I walked out the door and out of his life, I closed the door and broke down in tears, not knowing Jimin slipped down onto his knees, putting his head into his hands, pulling on his hair in frustration.
"What have I done..."

"No one falls in love by choice, it is by chance.

No one stays in love by chance, it is by work.

No one falls out of love by chance, it is by choice."

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