Chapter IV : Possession

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The morning came again and Wayne found himself dumbfounded by what's happening around him.

Wayne's thoughts
'Urgh... that girl is just plain scary'
'She wanted to take down the rulers'
'But doesn't she know how strong they are'
'Wait a minute'

'What if she really has a way to take them down?'
'Hmmm... that can't be possible'
'But what if'
'I'm getting confused'
'No used thinking about it, I better prepare for this day'
'I hope nothing bad happens'

As Wayne is about to leave the house to go to work, her said something

Mom asked
"Where are you going?"

Wayne answered in a straight face
"I'm going to work mom"

Mom asked again
"Isn't Sunday your dayoff?"
"Today is Sunday "

Wayne's thoughts
'OMG...she's right'

His mom is laughing at him and added

Mom said
"This is the first time you woke up so early but you forgotten that it's your day off"

Wayne just chuckled as her mom makes fun of him.

Mom added
"Why don't you just help me clean the house?"

Wayne responded
"Okay mom"

The Resistance retreated at the south city of the remaining Island of the Philippines. 2 commanders arrived as well. There's only 3 commanders remaining that hasn't come to the south yet.

Wilfred is accompanied by William in the hideout and their conversation started.

William asked
"Sir how long do you think we'll be able to hide here?"

Wilfred answered
"As long as it takes for us to regroup"
"If we rush things, many of our soldiers will probably die."
"Engaging the leaders now, will basically mean suicide"

William said
"You're right sir"
"Commander Jaireb and Commander Fhe has arrived sir"
"Would you like to meet them?"

Wilfred answered
"Yes, call them"
"Any news regarding the arrival of the 3 remaining commanders"

William answered
"As your command sir"
"Apparently sir they're on their way here, they just happen to stumble upon the newly appointed 15th ranker sir"
"Luckily nothing happened as they blend in the crowd as the 15th passed by"

Wilfred asked
"We'll talk about the 15th later"

William answered
"Understood sir"

Wayne is cleaning with his mom, and happened to stumble upon an item his father used to own. A plain small black box that is completely sealed. His mother notices her son stopped cleaning and started to head there, as soon as he saw his son hold the black box, she started talking.

Wayne notices her mom and started asking questions.

Wayne asked
"Mom what's this ?"
"Can I open it?"

Mom answered
"Oh my... I've forgotten about that"

Wayne asked
"What do you mean?"

Mom answered and explained
"That belongs to your dad"
"Before the war, your father asked me to give you that when you're 23"
"He said that it was a memento he wanted to leave you with"
"Because he didn't know if he'll be able to comeback"
Her mom's tears fall off as he remembered her dead husbands wishes.

Mom added
"I tried opening it before but it wouldn't budge, that is why I hid it."
"You can open it if you want"
"After all you are your fathers son"

Wayne smile as he remembers his dad
'Thanks dad'

As she observes her son, she began to leave in order for her son to have it's moments from the last item his father possessed.

Mom's thoughts
'His growing up the way you want him to grow pa'

Wayne manages to open the box.
The box contains a black ring and black key, there is no damage to it. Wayne started feeling chills at his spine as he looked at the ring. At that moment he remembers the prediction of Joy as she looks into his eyes.

Wayne reaches out and remove the ring and the key from the box. He wore the ring and apparently the ring is quite big as it fits easily in his ring finger.

After a few moments, although he didn't notice, the ring started to shrink to fit his finger.

Suddenly Wayne started to feel a slight heat in his ring finger and eventually looked at the ring. He was shocked because the ring that doesn't fit in his ring finger earlier suddenly fixated in his finger. He cannot remove it anymore.

Wayne's thoughts
'Urgh... why does weird things keep happening'

Since he has no choice but to wear the ring, he hid the key in his bag for safe keeping.

He finished cleaning with his mom and he decided to sleep to rest.

Wayne's thoughts
'I got tired this fast?'
'What's wrong with me?'
'Might as well sleep since I'm not doing anything'

The Resistance

In the conference room located underground.

The General and the commanders started their meeting. The 2 commanders are seated in the side while the general sits in the middle and William stands behind him.

Wilfred said

Jaireb started to speak
"General we're losing"
"The Resistance can't handle anymore damages"
"I suggest we wait"

Fhe started to speak
"I agree General"
"In the past 3 months we lost most of our men"

Wilfred said
"That's what we're going to do"
"Observe and take action later"
"So what do you know about the newly appointed 15th?"

Fhe answered
"I happen to order one of my men to investigate"
"May I present it"

Wilfred answered
"Go ahead"

Fhe answered
"The newly appointed 15th was sent here by the Ruler of Ice"
"His name is Vladimir Voltov"
"He fights using his bare hands"
"No one live to tell the tale about what weapons he possesses"
"He has an ability to manipulate and produce fire"

Wilfred sighed
"Another monster huh"

Jaireb said something
"Sir If I May interrupt"

Wilfred answered
"What is it?"

Jaireb said
"If you give me the chance to complete my research I may be able to produce a weapon that can hurt them"

Everyone is shocked

Wilfred stood up and asked
"Are you serious?!"

Jaireb said
"Yes sir"

Wilfred added
"Do what you can and report back"

The 2 commanders salutes

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