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The team was surprised by the explosion caused by Umon, but what they saw next was even more unexpected. It was AA, AA was there to protect Wayne.

Joy said
"Is that AA?"

Seigen said
"What is she doing down there?"

Zac said
"She's the one who protected Wayne from that blast"

AA went to the face down Wayne and tend to his wounds. Wayne was completely battered And bloodied.

Wayne said
"Get out of here AA"

AA said
"Silly this isn't even a pro—-"

Wayne widened his eyes, he couldn't believe what he was seeing and he started to scream.

Wayne screamed

Everyone was shocked as they saw AA falling to the ground. A white ray of flame pierced through AA's chest. It was Umon, he shot AA to the chest irritated.

Umon said
"You dare interrupt this match?"

Seigen and the others rushed in to AA. A bloodied AA was being held by Wayne. Zac, Law, Zim and Seigen engaged Umon dramatically. Exoplizo was activated by 4 of them. Attempting to gang up on Umon.

Seigen screams

Zac screamed

Law screamed

Zim screamed

Umon while smiling deviously as he was engaged by 4 High Rankers. He faced them off by himself.

Meanwhile back in Wayne's location.

Wayne said in a worried voice
"Hey, hey stay with me okay"

He pleaded and called for Cassee. Cassee is the team healer. Wayne was hoping that Cassee would be able to help her. Joy and the remaining members rushed in to where Wayne is located.

As soon as they arrive Cassee attempted to heal a friend. Their eyes are starting to have tears falling out of them.

AA said

Wayne replied
"Don't speak everything will be okay"
"We'll get through this okay?"

AA said
".....I'm ....almost......out of time"

Wayne the others are starting to cry their eyes out. They knew that AA was about to die and they couldn't do anything about it.

AA said while she was breathing heavily
"Thank you.....Joy"
" join this team"

Joy replied
"I'm so sorry AA"
"We couldn't protect you"

AA replied
"Don't say.....sorry"
"I've enjoyed.......every...moment I spent.....with you guys...."

Everyone started crying their eyes out. Nothing is harder than to see a friend of yours die in front of you and you couldn't do anything about it.

AA said

Wayne didn't interrupt AA. He only listens to her friends final words.

AA said
"I ......protected you.....because I know...."
"How.....much you can......change...this world"

She held the face of the crying Wayne in front of her.

AA said
"It'll be ......harder .....for go"
"Do me.... a favor okay?"

Wayne responded
"What is it?"

AA replied
"Kick Those Rulers ass for me"

Wayne smiled and said
"You got it"

AA's started to disappear completely. The team knows that she's dead now. Wayne handed her to Joy and started to get up.

Joy asked

Joy's thoughts
'Somethings different'

Meanwhile back in the fight, Zac and the rest couldn't held their ground against Umon. Despite not activating Exoplizo yet. He easily beats 4 of them.

Umon said
"Is that the best you guys can do?!"

Suddenly the air began suffocating. A looming bloodlust was getting nearer and nearer. A human wanting the blood of the one who killed his friend. Everyone felt it, The ominous bloodlust.

Zac, Law, Zim and Seigen looks back and saw Wayne walking towards them. There's no doubt that, that oozing bloodlust was from him.

Suddenly a wall of black flame appeared in front of Zac's group. Separating them from Umon completely. Wayne looks at Seigen and the rest and said.

Wayne said
"He's mine"

They all understood completely what he meant.Chills run down everyone's eyes as they saw what Wayne looks like. A guy filled with rage, a guy filled with so much anger.

Seigen's thoughts
'Wayne you're succumbed by rage'

Umon said
"'re producing a dangerous aura"

Wayne replied angrily
"You better start praying"
"God himself won't even recognize you after I'm done with you"

A clash of overwhelming aura emerged.


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