Chapter XXXIII : Standoff

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The Resistance has finally started to attack Central City. Formations are set and they are ready for whatever the Rankers throw at them. A soldier is rushing inside the conference room to report to Umon.

Soldier said in panic
"Sir! We're being attacked!"

Umon replied in a calm manner
"Who's attacking? And where ?"

Soldier replied
"It's the resistance sir, they're attacking from all sides."

Umon replied
"How many are there ?"

Soldier said
"We've estimated about a million, 250,00 from each sides"

Umon said
"That's quite few."
"Release my soldiers and intercept them"

Soldier said
"One more thing sir."
"There's 9 Generation X waiting at North"

Umon's thoughts
'So you've come'

Umon said
"That's Fine"
"Gather my team"
"We'll take care of them"

The soldier salutes.

Gun shots are being heard all over the city. The resistance are now being confronted by Umon's army. 250,000 soldiers against 2,500 Generation X from each side. 1 million soldiers against 10,000 Generation X in total.

Seigen and Joy are waiting on the north side of Central City, patiently waiting for the High Rankers. After the soldier's report, finally 10 High Rankers stand before Joy and Seigen's team.

Umon said
"Seigen, I've always known you're a traitor"

Seigen replied
"You should've done something about it"

Umon replied
"where's the fun in that?!"
"If I've killed you, I won't get the chance to kill all of you?!"

Seigen said
"You've got it wrong Umon"

Umon said

Seigen said
"Thank you for giving us a chance to kill all of you here"

Umon said
"I don't get where you find the confidence in those words of yours"
"But let me remind you that I'm the strongest here"
"How do you plan on killing me ?!"

Seigen said
"Oh I don't plan on taking you on"

Umon said
"What do you—"

A sudden explosion erupts behind Seigen and Joy. A chilling aura starts to crawl in to everyone's spine.

Seigen said
"You see"
"He'll be the one taking you on"

Umon said

Aura's between Umon and Wayne started to clash. Wayne knows how strong his opponent in front of him is.

Wayne said to everyone
"You guys better survive this"

Zac chuckled
"Who do you think you're talking to?"

Law said
"Worry about yourself damn brat"

Zim said
"Let's drink after this"

Cassee said
"Be careful"

Austin said
"I'm not worried at all"

Carmela said
"Just do anything to win"

Raven said
"Don't worry about us"

Joy said
"You better win this"

Seigen said
"Let's fucking win this"

Auras from 20 High Rankers started to clash and Central City started shaking. Wilfred and the others felt it as well.

Wilfred thoughts
"It's finally starting"

Back in the fight Wayne announced

Wayne said.
"I'm off"

Seigen and everyone else

Wayne rushed in at Umon with blinding speed and grabbed Umon's face dragging him away from the rest. They planned to do this one on one. Wayne is taking him south.

Umon uttered
"What the?!"

Seigen and the others started to spread out as well. Confronting the Ranker that they're supposed to take down.

Raven Crawford against Christian Navarro

Raven said
"My, my I think it's time to work my ass off taking you down"

10th Ranker
"I'm gonna pummel you till there's no bones left in your body."

Cassee Dullivan against RIKA Moskov

9th said
"What can you do against me?!"

Cassee said
"I'm ready for you"

Austin Rivers against Xi phao

8th said
"You won't even be able to touch me"

Austin said
"We'll see about that"

Carmela Roberts against Claudine De Sanchez

Carmela said
"You better be prepared"

7th said
"Is that a threat?!"
"You bitch don't even know who you're dealing with?!"

Zim Cente against Troy Signea

6th said
"I remember how you killed 13th, I pay you back tenfold"

Zim said

Law Domiño against Brotus Orlov

5th said
"You won't even be able to keep up with me, motherfucker"

Law said
"Stop your yapping and come at me"

Zac Roller And Izanagi Kiyoshi

4th said
"It's an honor to fight another swordsman"

Zac said

Joy Rodriguez against Clarence Smith

3rd said
"I can't believe I get to fight a famous traitor"

Joy said
"You talk to much"

Seigen Arkhen against William Barnes

2nd said
"It's been a while Seigen"

Seigen said
"This is the last time you'll see me"
"I'll kill you right here"


Wayne Orca against Umon Doranbalt

Umon said
"D-did you just fucking drag me?!"
"I'll fucking kill you!!!!!"

Wayne said
"I'll fucking cut your head off"

Auras are beginning to clash everywhere on the city.


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