Chapter XIV : Assault

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15th screamed those words and the flames surrounding the area started to gather on his body. Intense aura starting to overflow was felt by everyone within the city.

Zac's thoughts
'It can't be?!'

Law said
"This is .."

Zac's response
"This is an even harder fight than we thought"

Cassee's thoughts
'Will he be okay ?'

Meanwhile 14th and 13th are watching afar.

14th said
"So he's capable of that?"

He grinned while saying that.

13th said
"Of course he can do that"
"He won't be here if he can't even achieve that kind of technique"

14th Responded
"Guess you're right"

Back in the fight.

Wayne's thoughts
'What is this?!'
'The fuck!'
'This aura isn't just gathering'
'It's forming something'

Wayne started to notice the slight change. He immediately noticed 15th emerging with the flames. The air shakes when 15th emerged. 15th was wearing a blood red armor emitting so much heat that it melts whatever close to him.

Wayne's thoughts
'What the fuck is that?!'

Zac said
"I was right"
"He's using explizo"
"A move only high rankers are specialized for"

Law explained further
"Explizo emits a chilling aura capable of turning into something extravagant"
"In his case it turned into an armor capable of aura defense and aura magnified offense"
"But that heat"
"It's different"

Zac said
"If he has a weapon that can magnify all that"
"Wayne could die"

Everyone was shocked

15th is Finally able to say something after a while.

15th said
"This is my real form"
"Fire dragon armor"
"You won't even hurt me now"

Wayne responded
"Well let's see about that!"

Wayne rushed in at Mach speed attempting to surprise 15th but in his surprise 15th was unfazed. Wayne attempted to punch but 15th easily dodged it. Wayne was about to pass through 15th but due to the aura he's emitting, 15th's reflexes has been enhanced even more. He grabbed Wayne by his ankle and hit him to the ground 10 times before throwing him 3 miles away. 15th didn't let up the attack, Wayne couldn't even put his guard up. 15th kept punching him with enormous strength. He eventually pinned him down to the ground and  started producing 15 fireballs above him. 15th jumped out after planting Wayne in the ground. 15th stopped midair and said.

15th said
"Eat this motherfucker!"

He started sending 15 fireballs to Wayne. Explosion after explosion was happening. 15th emitted a final attack as he concentrates his flames in both of his arms. He combined the two arm together and started throwing a huge fireblast to Wayne. A huge explosion wiping out the city emerged.


Zac's teams reaction

Zac's said

Law said
"Everyone expand your aura to protect everyone!"

Zim reacted
"Is Wayne dead?"

Raven said
"Shit this is huge!"

Carmela said
"Focus everyone!"

Austin said
"The bastard planned to erase this part of the island"

Cassee's thoughts
'Please be alive'

Meanwhile the resistance

They Wayne get pummeled to the ground and observe the fireballs getting fired at him.

Wilfred's thoughts
'How is this even possible....'

Everyone's thoughts
'Is there no one who can stand up against those bastards?'

They saw everything that happened but only one person believed that he was still alive. She can't do anything but feel worried about the situation. She believed in him and believe that somehow he will turn it around.

Joy's thoughts
'You're a lot stronger than this'
'Go show me'
'What you're capable of'

Meanwhile the rankers

The rankers are watching the fight, they didn't believe that anyone exists to pushed a high ranker to fight seriously except for high rankers themselves.

1st's thoughts
'Clearly this isn't what you wanted to show me joy'
'Is it going to be this easy?'

Meanwhile back in Northwestern City

15th came down finished from his merciless assault and started to scream and laugh.

15th said

The ring creaked and the city began to shake.

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