Chapter XLI : Final Bout

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Zac, Law, Joy and Seigen rushes to where Wayne and Umon are battling. They have their spare strength as they make their way to the South border of Central City. General Wilfred accompanied by his soldiers won the battle against the Generation X soldiers with AA's help. They also attempted to go to where the final enemy is. To watch the battle unfold, if Wayne loses this match, all their hard work will be for nothing.

Seigen said
"We need to hurry"

Zac replied
"We're gonna support him if he needed our help"

Joy's thoughts
'Go fulfill you role Wayne'
'You're the only one left'

Meanwhile the resistance

General Wilfred said
"Are you okay?"

AA replied
"I'm okay"
"I need to go to Wayne"

General Wilfred replied
"We'll accompany you along the way"

AA nodded and said
"Okay let's go"

They're not the only one that's headed to where he is located. Every member of Joy's team recovered some of their strength and went to where Wayne is. Commander Jaireb and Raven started to head out along with the remaining soldiers. Commander William and Cassee as well. Everyone started to head out to where Wayne is.

Wayne and Umon have been testing each other for some time now. Matching each other speed and strength. It's like they're testing each other's capabilities.

Wayne said
"Umon you already lost"
"Why don't you just give up?"

Umon replied
"Give up?!"
"You should be worry about yourself"
"If I kill you here"
"Nobody will be able to stop me"

Wayne said
"Fine then..."
"Let's do this seriously shall we?"

Aura's between the two of them started to rise dramatically. It's felt by everyone within the city. The chilling air that makes you feel suffocated.

Law said
"It's about to start"

Zac smirked

Seigen thoughts
'Go fight in your hearts content"

Joy's thoughts
'Show me how strong you've become'

Zim's smiles deviously
"My, my they're raring to go"

Raven's thoughts
"Win this for us!"

Carmela's thoughts
"Show him everything you've got!"

Austin's thoughts
"It's on you!"

Cassee's thoughts
'Survive this and come back to us!'

Descendant against a High Ranker, who will emerge victorious?

Both of them rushed at blinding speed, blow by blow, blood are being splattered. The devious smile of Umon lingers on his face as they exchange blows. Slowly but surely Umon is getting faster and stronger. Umon punched Wayne's body and threw him 10 miles away from him. The balance between the exchange was tilted. Everyone was shocked they didn't expect Wayne to be overwhelmed by Umon.

Seigen's thoughts
'That's Umon'
'Everytime he fights he grows stronger'

Umon rushed at Wayne with blinding speed but Wayne was already expecting it. He clenched his fist and punches Umon's face while he was in momentum. Basically crashing Umon to the ground. The counter attack was perfect. A huge shockwave was produce by that punch.

Zac's thoughts
'That's It Wayne'
'Don't you dare back down'

Umon and Wayne jumps backwards. Umon is still smiling. Wayne was looking at Umon while his chin was up. Indicating that he wasn't fazed by Umon's growth.

Umon said
"You're keeping up huh?"

Wayne replied
"You're pretty strong"
"But that won't be enough to take me down"

Umon and Wayne smiled deviously. A battle between battle crazy monsters was about to take place and they're both enjoying it.

They quickly took their stance and rushed in at full speed again. They both dodge each other's fury of attacks. Each blow sends shivers to those who was watching how this match will unfold. Umon is harnessing even more aura than before, despite not activating his trump card yet. He grew stronger steadily and Wayne started to realize the pace of growth by Umon.

Wayne's thoughts
'This is bad...'
'He's growing tremendously'

Umon managed to land another blow to Wayne. Wayne planned to counterattack again but in his surprise Umon already anticipated his attempt. Umon dodged Wayne's attack and he started pummeling Wayne to the ground. After the fury from Umon,Wayne was lying faced down covered in blood and breathing heavily.

'He's strong'

Despite already equipping Noveno's Gauntlet, He still was overwhelmed. Umon jumps backwards and flew in the air. Umon's aura manipulation was outstanding. Even without using his EXOPLIZO yet. He was already able to manipulate this much aura.

Umon said
"Is this it?!"
"Is this all you can do?"

Umon wasn't any high ranker. He'll finish the job without even a shred of mercy for his opponent. He focused his aura in his palm and started to produce a rarity flame. It's a White flame 🔥. That's never been seen before. He's planning on firing it at Wayne.

Umon said
"Eat this Motherfucker"

Wayne's thoughts
'Am I gonna die here'


A huge explosion emerged from the blast of Umon, but in his surprised Wayne was still alive. How is he alive? It was because there's a force field that protected him. It was AA. AA manages to made it in time to apply her aura into Wayne. To protect him in the blast.

AA Said
"Are you okay Wayne ?!"

Wayne replied
"What are you doing here AA?!"

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