11) Anthony

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Ashley knocked twice on Governor Conrad's apartment door. Anthony dreaded having to listen to his complaints about Tellurians. He wanted to keep the meeting short and brief to prevent Governor Conrad from going off on a tangent discussing how ungrateful Tellurians were. Ashley was well aware of how Governor Conrad felt them. She advised Anthony to remain silent and let her try to convince him to get them access to the Atlas sector.

The door opened and Governor Conrad gave Ashley a warm greeting. He then turned and saw Anthony leaned up against the wall by his door. The two looked at each other for a brief moment before Governor Conrad turned to Ashley and told her no. She shook her head at him and asked if he could be civil for just a few minutes. Governor Conrad hesitated for a moment then nodded. He stepped to the side and welcomed them into his home.

Anthony and Ashley sat down on a two seat couch. Governor Conrad grabbed a chair from the table and positioned it in a manner that allowed him to face the both of them. "So," he began as he took a seat. "I'm assuming that this isn't a social call. What do you want?"

"We need you to grant us access to Atlas," Ashley answered. Governor Conrad chuckled as he stroked his scruffy beard. He looked at Ashley in disbelief. "No," he said plainly. Anthony sighed as he realized that Governor Conrad was going to make things increasingly difficult for him.

"David..." Ashley began softly. "It's important. The UN is-"

"Why should I care what the UN wants?" he asked. "I'm only sending in medical personnel." He turned to Anthony. "You aren't that."

"We have supplies with us," Anthony informed him. "A trained medic. We could help."

"Typical Tellurian behavior. You only want to help when it suits you."

"Funny that you're talking high and mighty for someone who's safe and sound in another sector."

Governor Conrad rose from his chair and got in Anthony's face. "I'm doin' you a fucking favor," he said through his teeth. "You best stay away from Atlas. It's for your own good."

He backed away from Anthony then shifted his gaze to Ashley. "What does he even want there?"

"The UN is searching for someone," she answered.

Governor Conrad scoffed. "She's probably long dead if she's in Atlas."

"Just let us check," Anthony said while trying to conceal his frustration.

"No. Now, fuck off. I mean it." He turned to Ashley. "We're done here."

Ashley started to speak but Governor Conrad cut her off, repeating what he had said. She and Anthony rose from the couch and escorted themselves out the room.

Ashley apologized to Anthony as they exited the apartment building. She thought that she would at least be able to have an opportunity to get Governor Conrad to see reason. Anthony let her know that it was not her fault. He told her that he was not mad at Conrad which shocked her, and was a bit of a surprise to himself. If put in Conrad's shoes, Anthony could see himself doing the same. It would be ill advised to allow just anyone to enter an infected area, even the UN. If they were to get infected, it would be on Conrad's conscience.

Anthony thanked Ashley for her help despite it not going as planned. She asked what he would do without the access to the Atlas sector. He told her that he wasn't sure. It was a lie. He just did not want her to attempt to talk him out of what he was thinking. Or even worse, tell the other governors about it.

Anthony felt his phone vibrating against his thigh. He reached into his pocket and saw that Captain Boyd was calling him. "What's going on Captain?" Anthony asked after picking up the phone. "You need to get your arse back to the room," he answered. "And fast."

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