17) Anthony

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Anthony rendezvoused with Captain Boyd, Adah, and Mila in the lower level of the ship. Captain Boyd ran through an oxygen check and everyone was over 80% with Mila being the lowest. She checked with Matt one final time to be sure that he did not want any help patching the ship. He told her he'd handle the ship's repairs while they go and search for Beta. There were no mentions of her upon arrival so the only lead they had was the journal Captain Boyd found on Venus. Mila pulled the lever and the ship's panel lowered into a ramp. The crew descended the ramp onto the Ganymede surface. They made their way to the entrance of the glass dome that encompassed the entirety of the Ganymede colony. There were guards positioned outside that let them in, no questions asked.

The Ganymede colony was property of the UN, but it operated as its own sovereign state. The colony was split into two levels: Upper and Lower. The Upper Level consisted of mainly small greenhouses for farming and labs for synthesizing meats and produce. Though there were plenty of huts where people lived. The Lower Level was where most of the populace dwelled. Anthony had never been down there, but he was told that there was not much that separated it from the other colonies in The System.

Captain Boyd informed the team that Beta was not in the Upper Level. According to her journal, she would take refuge with a friend at an inn in the Lower Level. Adah told Captain Boyd to lead the way. They walked in between a large greenhouse on their left and a science facility on their right. Through the windows of the greenhouse, Anthony could see some drones working alongside people tending to the plants. It was a marvel to see how self sustaining the colony had become. A stark difference to the failed PCU colony on Titan.

The group followed Captain Boyd into the lift that would take them to the Lower Level. The metal doors slowly shut then they descended to it. As the doors opened, Anthony realized the descriptions he received of the Lower Level were not completely accurate. The structure of it was similar to other colonies, but the buildings had no space between them. Some of them even appeared to be connected. The Lower Level was dark, illuminated only by the vibrant signs, nightlights, and holographic displays in front of stores. The walkway was extremely narrow, something that would prove to be an issue if the population of the area were to increase significantly.

"Charming place," Adah commented snarkily after noticing the prostitutes congregating on the corner.

"Very," Anthony agreed as he started to smell a strong odor.

"It smells like piss," Mila added.

"I'm sorry you all were expecting a five-star resort," Captain Boyd apologized sarcastically. He came to a stop and pointed to the building on their immediate right. "We're here."

They entered the inn which had a small tavern on the bottom floor. Captain Boyd told the others to stay put as he went over to the barkeeper. Anthony looked around the smokey bar. A majority of the patrons had cybernetic body enhancements that made them look only remotely human. The enhancements did their best job to conceal the fact their bodies had not developed properly, but there was nothing that could hide the effects of growing up in a low gravity environment. The patrons eyed Anthony and the others cautiously as if they were the enemy. It did not take long for him to realize that they were not welcome there. Anthony conveyed his thoughts to Mila and Adah who agreed with him. Adah slowly started making her way to Captain Boyd. Anthony noticed two men rise from one of the far end tables. They started making their way to the bar, seemingly to cause trouble. Anthony caught a glimpse of a knife one of the men was concealing within his sleeve. He turned to Mila who said that she saw the weapon as well.

Anthony quickly walked over to the bar with Mila behind him. The armed man neared Captain Boyd's rear as he continued to speak with the barkeeper despite Adah's pleas. Anthony lunged at the man's left arm and put it behind his back. He pushed his face onto the counter and raised his left arm further up his back. The man screamed and dropped a small pocket knife onto the floor. Mila dropped the other man with one quick left swing just as he picked up a bottle to smash over Anthony's head. A majority of the patrons rose to their feet and approached the team.

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