18) "Seventy-Six"

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Seventy-Six gazed out the windows of the command deck as everyone slept. His eyes were locked on Luna and Earth. He thought about the wars that had been raged between the UN and PCU and how many lives were lost because of it. Speaking to General Wells about the current war caused Seventy-Six to realize that it bothered him to see the Earth in a constant cycle of war. The ceasefire was just that, a ceasefire. No work towards peace would come from it. He knew this to be true. What he did not know was what this war accomplished. Only a fool would believe the UN fought to fully unite Earth. It was an impossible task that could never be done. There would always be dissension on Earth and because Tellurians held stubborn viewpoints, there was no way to work around it. Such issues did not exist within BlackDiamond. Everyone was of one mind, of one goal. It was what made them strong, it was what allowed them to surpass even the greatest nations in power. It was the reason why only they could lead humanity beyond the horizon.

Seventy-Six's mind shifted to the Bridge that Elias was constructing and the new worlds that they would lead to. He wondered if they would find life on those planets and what that life would be like. Would his people be looked upon in fear or with intrigue? Would they be attacked on sight or would the aliens seek to understand them? There were many questions Seventy-Six wanted answers to. With the Bridge being nearly complete, it meant that he would soon get them.

Zero came up beside him and gazed out the window. She said nothing to him. Seventy-Six knew that she most likely had something to report. But she probably saw how deeply enveloped he was in thought, so she remained silent to not disturb him. These moments of generosity were rare from her, so Seventy-Six appreciated each moment he got them. He could tell something was eating at Zero's mind and she wanted to talk about it. But before they got down to business, he wanted to have a real conversation with her. One that had nothing to do with how he was feeling, what was wrong with The System, or BlackDiamond. He wanted a human conversation.

"What do you think will happen?" Seventy-Six asked. "When all this is said and done?"

Zero kept her focus towards the Earth and Luna. She remained silent for a few seconds as she pondered the question. "Honestly, I haven't thought about it much."

Seventy-Six nodded in agreement. "Neither have I. It's why I'm asking." He understood where she was coming from. It was the first time he had thought about the future beyond BlackDiamond. He would have been surprised if Zero was thinking about it before he was.

"Uh let's see..." She chuckled as a large pretty smile formed on her face. "I've um...I've always wanted to own a farm."

Seventy-Six looked at her wide-eyed then laughed. "You? A farmer?"

"Don't laugh now. A woman can dream."

"I'm not laughing at you, just surprised is all. When'd you even get interested in that?"

"Remember that paranoid senator from the Midwest District of the United States? He hired BlackDiamond to be his bodyguards."

Seventy-Six thought hard for a moment as he tried to remember. He groaned and shook his head as the memory came back to him. "How could I forget? Damn near two weeks of walking around animal shit. It's a shame they sent us to that part of North America."

"C'mon, it wasn't that bad. I liked helping around the farm. Caring for the animals, cultivating the land."

"So, you'll head to Earth when this is done then?"

Zero shrugged. "That or one of the new worlds. Depends how Earth is. If it's finally united, having real peace. How could I say no to that? It'd be interesting to see what it's like. What about you?"

"I have no idea at the moment. Maybe I'll stick around, but I'm not too sure. Someone has to safeguard the other worlds."

"Doesn't sound like a retirement plan."

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