23) Anthony

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Anthony rushed over to the ship's communications systems. He recorded a message to send to Captain Boyd and Adah. Attempting to remain composed during the message, he informed them that they had Beta but Wells' men attacked them. He gave one final warning to not trust General Wells, then sent out the message.

It dawned on Anthony that Captain Boyd and Adah could have been already running their operation on Earth. Colonel Burns mentioned them taking a high G burn back to Earth which would significantly reduce their travel time. Even if the message were to get to them, Anthony was unsure if it would be opened during an ongoing operation. It was possible that they had gone radio silent to avoid BlackDiamond spying on them.

Matt assured him that Captain Boyd and Adah would get his message and get out of the situation alive. Anthony wanted to believe him, but he knew that Matt was only trying to make the both of them feel better. The fact of the matter was that the situation was now out of their hands. It was up to Captain Boyd and Adah to get away from Wells' men alive. But it would be a hell of a lot easier if they were to open his message.

Anthony suggested to Matt that they head down to the medical bay. Matt agreed and the two went on their way. They both had questions about Beta which had the potential of being answered via her vitals. But more importantly, they wanted to check up on Mila and see how she was faring.

The door to the medical bay slid open and Anthony stepped inside with Matt. Allen was standing in front of Mila and Beta who were strapped into their own hospital beds. Anthony and Matt went over to Mila. There was a fresh gauze on her wound and an empty vial of nanites on the table next to her. Allen informed them that she passed out shortly after he injected her with nanites but she would be alright. Anthony turned to him and thanked him for tending to her. He shook his head and told him that no thanks were necessary.

Knowing that Mila would be alright, the three men shifted their attention to Beta. Their minds were still reeling from seeing her without a spacesuit. If the hospital was air tight, her being without one could be plausible, but it was not. The Titan atmosphere should have taken her life just as those bullets should have.

"Find out anything?" Anthony asked Allen.

Allen sighed as he rubbed his hand against his beard stubble. "Now I'm no doctor, but everything seems to check out. Nothing on the scans. Computer says she's perfectly healthy."

"She shouldn't be," Matt said as he stared at her in disbelief. "She came in here without a spacesuit. But just looking at her, you could see there's absolutely nothing wrong with her. She should be an ice cube right now."

"Yea, and you didn't even see her get shot."

Matt whipped his head around to Allen. "She was shot?!"

"She was," Anthony confirmed. "Three shots to her body. Was breathing like it was nothin' and the gunshots weren't there. Already healed."

"What are we dealing with here, Anthony?"

"There has to be a reason why she's alive. Some type of enhancements."

"We're talking heavy enhancements to be out in the elements like that. Not even people on Ganymede can be out and about without a spacesuit."

"I know." Anthony turned to Allen. "What about a Basic Metabolic Panel? Would that find something?"

Allen shrugged. "I wouldn't know. Told you already, not a doctor."

"So we wait until Mila comes to, we run a BMP and see if we can find anything on Beta. Now, I'm going to get out of this suit. Meet on the command deck in ten."

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