Chapter 2

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There was an alarm. What was going on? Marinette opened her eyes to see where she was. The place was unfamiliar. Every memory of yesterday hit her. Oh yeah. She was in Gotham. She looked around for her alarm and found her phone on top of the dresser, charging.

She turned it off and got up to get ready for the day. They had to get a tour of the school. She had to hope that the tour guide for them would at least be nice or that she wouldn't absolutely hate them. She put on her signature outfit and put her hair in a bun.

When she went downstairs, she made some breakfast for her and Chloe. She got out the ingredients and made some croissants.

About an hour and a half later, they were done. Chloe came down because she could smell the food all around the house.

The two girls ate, chatted, and were on their phones till they looked at the time. It was 11:15. They had to be at the school at noon and it was a thirty minute drive.

Deciding to be early, they got the keys to the car, and went down so they could drive to school. Chloe, wanting to always drive, took the front seat. It was no problem for Marinette because she could sketch out designs. She knew that she was going to get some inspiration from here because Gotham was so much different than Paris.

Despite Chloe saying some things about how unfamiliar Gotham's roads are to her, Marinette's attention was all on Gotham's buildings. There was one building that inspired her the most. Wayne Enterprises. Well, she didn't know what it was called. But looking at it, inspired her to make at least five outfits based on it. She was wondering what it looked like on the inside.

Before she could put the last line on the last sketch, they were suddenly at the school. To her, it felt like they just got inside the car. But once looking at all the sketches she made, which were detailed, you could tell that that car ride was not just a minute or less.

When they both got out, they went to where the front office was. They needed their schedule and apparently there was a tour guide there that spoke French. And fluently, too. What were the chances of that?

They waited in the office for about a minute until the tour guide came in. He had a scowl on his face and he looked very annoyed. Marinette could predict that she was going to hate him.


Damian was told on Wednesday that he would have to give a tour to two new students on Saturday. And they spoke French. So he would have to give them a tour on Saturday while talking in French. So much for training and playing with Titus that day.

So naturally, he didn't want the day to come. It was a simple reason why. He just didn't like people. People invade his personal space because of his last name and looks. Well they tried to at least. He just gave them a glare and they would back off. But they still kept trying to impress him, just from the sidelines.

Friday, when Damian got home, Dick could see that Damian was more upset and annoyed than usual.

"Little D, what's got you more upset than usual?" He asked, putting all his attention on him.

"I have to give a tour of the school to some new students just because I speak French fluently." Damian grumbled. He just ignored whatever Dick said next, and went up to his room. He did the homework that some teacher dared assigned on a Friday.

To cheer himself up, he hung out with Titus. He took him out for a walk to the park because he felt like not keeping him cooped out in the house that day.

They were there for about half an hour before heading out. He needed to get back so that he could train and get ready for patrol that night.

When they got back, Damian let Titus go and he headed to the Batcave. He went to the training room to get out some nerves. Not too long later, he had to change and go on patrol.

In the middle of patrol, he saw two girls. It looked like, to him, like they just got done shopping. Didn't they know to be at home before it was dark? He watched them get into their car. It looked like an expensive car. Well, to him, they were rich idiots.


The next morning, Damian didn't even want to leave the house. He would have to actually talk to people, other than Jon and his teammates. It was crazy. Couldn't he have a day without anyone annoying him with their presence.

He got ready and Alfred dropped him off at the school. He was five minutes early. He saw an unfamiliar yet familiar car outside the school. He thought that they were there already.

When he got inside, he saw the two people he saw on patrol last night that were still shopping at night. To the blonde, he felt like he would with any normal person. Didn't even want to be around them. But to the bluenette? At one glance at her, he thought he would like her one bit. He had his natural scowl on his face, and he looked annoyed. Why couldn't the universe do him a favor for once? 

-How they react to each other will be put in the next chapter. 


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