Chapter 3

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Damian went up to the person working in the office. "Damian, show them their schedule and be nice to them. We don't get a lot of new people here." The person sitting there said.

"Madame, we can speak English." Marinette told the woman sitting in the office.

"That's great. He's just going to give you a tour just in case you can't understand some words." The woman said.

Chloe said something that the woman couldn't understand because it was said in French. "Ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. We wouldn't come to an English speaking school if we couldn't speak English. We might as well have stayed in France or somewhere where they speak French."

Damian just thought that this woman wasted his time. He didn't even ask if they spoke English. And the blonde had a point.

He looked at their schedules and rolled his eyes. They put the two in the same class as him. Probably because they didn't check to see if they spoke English or not. He looked at the two's names. Marinette Dupain-Cheng Stone and Chloe Bourgeois. He could already tell which one was Chloe.

"Bourgeois and Stone. Hurry it up." Damian said, heading through the doors to the school.

The person at the desk in the front lost all hope on Damian. Chloe just thought that he was her before she became Marinette's friends. If Marinette didn't already like him then, she officially didn't like him now.

Throughout the first half of the tour, Marinette and Damian kept glaring at each other. They also insulted each other in Chinese, which Chloe couldn't understand. She didn't know why Marinette didn't like the guy. The only person she didn't like right away was Lila, and she didn't think that this guy was a liar.

"At least I have the decency to tell the school the languages I speak." Damian threw at Marinette in Chinese. Chloe was utterly confused.

"At least I don't get mad at every little thing there is." Marinette threw right back at him.

"Do you know who I am?" Damian asked.

"Do you know who I am?" Marinette asked right back at him.

The two groaned at each other. They didn't know why they hated each other right off the bat, but they did. Chloe just wanted to know what the two were arguing about.

Marinette tried to speak to Chloe privately in the language of the guardian. She taught all miraculous holders the language because she wanted to talk to them in private when she was annoyed or it had to deal with the miraculous. The only people that know of this language were the holders of the miraculous and the league of assassins because they stole it. But she didn't think that he was an assassin. "I hate him." Marinette told Chloe.

Damian was thinking 'Just great. This girl is one of the people that the league goes for. And her friend is too.'

"I can still understand you. The feeling is mutual." Damian pointed out.

"Is there a way for you not to annoy me." Marinette groaned. Apparently he was an assassin.

Then they kept the arguing, but in the guardian tongue. Chloe was just annoyed at the two now that she knew what they were talking about. The two were arguing over every little thing. From how loud they breathe to the choices they make. It was really annoying.

"Can you two shut up!" Chloe shouted over the two. They both looked at her. "We have barely made it halfway through the tour because you two won't stop arguing with each other over every, and I mean every, little thing. You two are being ridiculous!" Chloe said.

The two huffed, and didn't talk nor looked at each other through the last half of the tour. Chloe was happy to get some peace and quiet, well the most she could get, during the tour. Those two arguing were almost as annoying as Lila. Almost.

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