Part 14 : The Kiss

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"prove it! Right now" said Jackson.

"As you wish! And remember you asked for it".

He turned to face me, as his face was getting closer to mine, my heart was betting crazy.

I couldn't think straight, do I push him? Do I run out? Do I make it look like a fainted? Thaughts were running in my mind within the seconds.

And then, somewhere below this, my heart reacting.

Not a thump exactly. Not even a leap. But a kind of swish, like a frog kicking off from a muddy bank. My heart, that amphibian, moving that moment between two elements: one, excitement; the other, fear.

I tried to pay attention. I tried to hold up my end of things. But Taehyung was way ahead of me. Our faces were 1mm away.

He grabbed me by the waist in one had while the other was on my face, I could clearly see his perfect features in his face.

And then he pressed his soft lips against mine. He was so gentle while kissing me. And all I could do was kiss back. I couldn't handle it.

This kiss made me realize that I like him, maybe more than a friend.

We pulled away from each other but his hand was still on my waist and he was looking at Jackson in a satisfied way. Like he just won a bet.

And maybe he did, I don't know what this kiss was about. Was it just to protect me from Jackson? But he perfectly knows that I can protect myself.

The two boys were debating and arguing about why Tae didn't say before that he was my "boyfriend" and why Jack shouldn't care blah blah blah.

But all I could think of was the kiss. The over thinking was killing me.

As soon as the teacher was heard coming in the hallway they both shut their mouth close and sat down, I was still standing like an idiot.

Taehyung sat in my place in the middle and took my wrist to make me sit beside him.

"why did you change the places?" asked the teacher.

"y/n was feeling a bit uncomfortable so I told her we can switch places." replied Taehyung.

She nodded and told me and Taehyung that we're done with detention and we can go home. So I got up took my bag and got out. More like ran out.

I wouldn't be able to look Taehyung in the eyes after what happened. But I needed to sort things out with him. I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't notice that I was pushed, my back on the lockers.

"why did you let him do this? Aren't you some karate master? Why didn't you-" Taehyung was attacking me, but I pushed him and slightly injured his arm that was holding me against the lockers and I ran, I ran away, tears falling down.

I didn't know where I was when I stopped. I was in some road near home. A road that I usually never take, cause it not crowded and it's a bit of a dark place.

I wasn't scared, but I got the same sensation that someone was watching me, that same feeling from before, not the one that I felt when taehyung was staring.

And then out of nowhere, Jackson and a man named Kai, I know him, he was the reason that I took self-defense classes. But how do they know each other?

"well well, look who's here" said Jackson.

"it's not like we were following her hahahah" said Kai.

"what do you want you two? And how do you know each other?" I asked them not shaking a bit.

"well the for the first question you'll find out the answer later, but for the second well, you're the one who brought us together, I mean I used to be your neighbor and Jack your classmate and we both have the same motive." when Kai said those words I started shaking, not of fear but at the memory of when I last saw him" I did it twice (no mamamoo) but twice somehow you got away, this time you have nowhere to go " I couldn't help but feel a bit scared because of Kai's words.

I was taking steps back, but before I could break into a run, I felt that same split-second feeling as when someone jumps out to scare you.

I lived this, not once but twice, but this time no one would rescue me cause I'm going to rescue my self. I'm not that defenseless child anymore.

Kai came at me and I know what he's capable off so I stepped back, balancing my weight on my left foot, and threw my right fist out in a curved punch at his temple. Turning ninety degrees to the side, he brought his right forearm up to counter the blow, formed a fist with his left, and threw it at my outstretched jaw. I was in trouble.

I know Jackson he's a scardy spoiled child so I wasn't choked to see his frightened reaction when he saw Kai acting this way. But he wasn't holy either.

While Kai was a bit down, he tried to grab me from behind, but I back kicked hard him in his personal space, and then a punch in the nose I could be sure he wouldn't get up.

But now I had to deal with the real deal :Kai. He got out of his pocket a knife. He was determined to hurt me.

I noticed a little alley behind me so I started running, as if my life was depending on it. Well it kinda is, but who's counting.

Taehyung's house was right before mine a bit, so if he was on the last floor he could clearly see my house.
I could see his house at the end of the alley.

I had to continue running, cause man that bitch Kai was catching up on me. I continued running.

I was counting on a passage behind Taehyung's house that could take me behind my house, where a little hidden trap was, that could lead me to my hidden room in the house.

The end. That's it. The book is done. She died. Kai killed her. Done.

Plot twist : I'm joking but you already knew that. But I like to think that I'm funny lol.


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