Part 25 : Tears And Broken Hearts

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And if you think I'm overthinking about those silly phrases well no , the whole night they've been acting like they were a couple or something , they kept hugging each other and he literally ran with her on his back . I can't handle it ! I swear to god tomorrow i'm gonna put and end to this and if it goes the way i'm not hoping too, well , I'll end us .

The next day :

(still taehyung's pov )

I woke up just to see y/n and Mark hugging each other , ugh , disgusting. We got ready to go to class , of course the OTHER two were walking together, she was showing him around , all cute pointing a directions and laughing and- wait WHAT no she wasn't cute ! I'm angry at her ! She wasn't CUTE.

The whole time y/n and Mark were acting like they were a thing giggling and flirting with each other,i swear students were staring and i felt like a fool sitting there not doing anything.Y/n was beside me but she was looking the opposite direction and leaning on mark's desk so i decided to do something about it cause she's getting on my nerves ,i took my phone out and sent her a text

Tae :stop being so close with that boy :/

Y/n's phone tinged and she pulled it out of her pocket,she unlocked her phone and smirked while staring at my text

Y/N :why are you jealous?

I couldn't stand her anymore so i sent her a reply saying

Tae : I need to talk to you.

Y/N's smirk faded away,then she turned around and sat properly,at that moment,the teacher stepped into the class.

"Sorry class I'm late it's because of traffic"
The teacher kept talking and i just listened like any other class,y/n on the other hand restarted her 'things ' with Mark and check her phone from time to time while laughing, I guess they were texting. She didn't even care that I was here .


I sat at the table with jimin and the others and we were casually chatting until y/n walked over with her tray of food and sat down , I was actually waiting for her

"Hey everyone..."she said. I was really mad so I grabbed her wrist and pulled her aside , "what's wrong with you?" I asked her.

"what are t you talking about? What's is wrong with you being all grumpy."


"What the fuck Tae take a chill pill. I don't even know..... wait. Are you talking about Mark? I don't like this Tae, he's my best friend and you know it. It's my last word on this subject."

" is he? Is he really your best friend?" I asked her but she didn't reply she just rolled her eyes at me and left.

I felt bad for talking harshly like that but she was the one that was hugging and laughing with another guy.

Let's face it, although it's not our intention, sometimes we are most jealous of those we love... but if we realized what is at stake, we would make a conscious effort to shy away from this negative feeling.

At some point in our lives we all feel jealous or envious towards other people, but it is when we start acting on those jealous feelings that it becomes unhealthy and potentially dangerous. And that's what I'm afraid of, the actions.

I went back to the table and the boys looked very confused.
" What happened ? "namjoon asked.

" Nothing " I simply said and kept on munching my food.

Hoseok looked at me suspiciously
" why did you pull y/n like that ? " he questioned.

" Why are you concerned she's my girlfriend".

Hoseok didn't reply but i noticed that Jungkook and Sara weren't here so i asked the boys about it.

"Uhh they went to do,something..." jimin said awkwardly.

I didn't want to wonder what "something" was so i changed the subject.


After lunch things kept going the way it was and maybe even worse, she was always close to him, her actions were driving me crazy. I did some pretty bad stuff too. I messed up. Words were exchanged. The teacher didn't bother to shut us up she instead told us to keep fighting but outside her classroom.

" I JUST CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHY YOUR ACTING AS IF HE WAS YOUR BOYFRIEND NOT ME!" I said as my voice was a bit higher than usually.


I was shocked. Literally shocked "wait what? He's gay! Oh my god! I messed up. I soo messed up".

"yeah you did" she said before she entered the class, grabbed her bag and left while the teacher was still calling her.

I know exactly where she went, but I won't bother her, sometimes I feel like I'm always bothering her even tho she keeps on telling me I don't.

I went back to pack my clothes and leave, I don't want her to see me these days, things just might get worse. I took permission to leave and left a note on her bed.

Y/n's pov :

I felt bad. First of all I was in HIS hiding place and I was a bit harsh with him, and I noticed that I don't really ask him what's is wrong when he's trying to tell me about his feelings. He's always listening to my problems and I am just a dumb girl who've might lost the most precious thing in her life.

I got out of there. I needed to apologize to him. I was the wronged one not HIM. And at this moment I realized I LOVE HIM. I don't just like him. I love HIM.

I ran and ran everywhere but I couldn't find him. I went back to my tent and that's when I found his letter on my bed.

"Dear Y/n ,

I should start this letter out by saying that I love you so much, and that I trust you with my whole life. I'm sorry that my petty jealousies and insecurities are causing such a strain on our relationship. I know when I get anxious or paranoid it makes you feel like I don't trust you or our relationship. I understand how that makes you frustrated and angry, since you've never given me a single reason to doubt you. You're a wonderful and loving partner.

The problem lies with me and the way that I view myself. I have had a lot of bad past experiences, negativity, and self-doubt. When I'm jealous, I'm not really afraid that you're going to leave me or cheat on me-I'm afraid that that's what I deserve somehow. I'm afraid that because I've been hurt before that it's only natural I'll be hurt again.

It's incredibly unfair of me to put these old wounds onto you. I am working hard to trust again and to change the way I see normal, everyday interactions. This is the best relationship I've ever had, and I don't want to ruin it. Please be patient with me.


Taehyung. "

My eyes were filled with tears as I was reading this. I couldn't think straight. All I could think is that I need to find him right now.

I asked everyone I saw about him, if they knew were he is. I was running around like a crazy girl.

And then I found him. Standing. In front of the school gates. Getting ready to leave.

It was raining.....


I just have 3 thing to say :

* I cried while writing this (cz ik the end too).

*I put some of my emotions and feelings in it cz I was a bit sad today.

* this is my longest and favorite chapter.

ILY all. Thx for reading 💜

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