chapter seven

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after what felt like years of hinata begging, tsukki finally gave in and decided to tell hinata what he does outside of volleyball. he was only telling him because he begged, not because he wanted hinata to listen to him or anything. nothing of the sort. 

"well..." tsukki didn't really know where to start. he never really talked about himself with anyone. even Yamaguchi. their friendship was weird, but tsukki cared about the shy greenete. that's all that mattered. 

"i guess i like music." tsukki started and pushed up his glasses. he cleared his throat and tried to think of something else about him. he looked at hinata, who was patiently waiting for him to continue. this part of hinata was always so weird to him. he was so understanding and compassionate with the people around him, but he's dumb. 

"i also like.... dinosaurs." tsukishimas body relaxed and he just noticed it was tense this whole time. hinata smiled brightly at him before giggling. 

"yeah i remember when i went to your house to study with Yamaguchi and Kageyama and there was a lot of dinosaur plushies in your room!" hinata says as he leaned into the sofa, giggling. tsukishimas eyes widened at this.

"i told you not to go into my room!" tsukishima said loudly, before sighing and rolling his eyes. 

"well... i got lost looking for the bathroom. don't get scareeedddddddd, i wont tell anyone!" hinata said in a teasing tone. tsukishima rolled his eyes again and told himself to not let it get to him. he didnt like the thought of hinata teasing him, it was a nasty taste of his own tangy medicine. how did hinata handle getting teased all the time? 

"whatever shrimp." tsukishima said but he could tell hinata knew he was annoyed as hinata dropped the topic quickly. 

"well...." hinata was looking side to side now. "how did you get into volleyball?" tsukishima chuckled at the question. 

Volleyball really is his life, huh? he cant think of anything else. that's... cute.

"i didn't really get into it." tsukishima started after a moment of silence. hinata looked at him and tilted his head. he blinked softly, a silent way of telling tsukki he was listening and tsukkis heart fluttered a bit. tsukishima compared hinata to a tired kitten. he shook the image out of his head.

tsukishima cleared his throat and pushed up his glasses, looking to the side. his cheeks got a little hot, but he was successful in covering them. 

"at first, it was kind of because of my brother. he always told me stories about how he was the ace of the team and how successful he and his team was. they inspired me and i practiced a lot." tsukishima didn't know why he was telling hinata this, but something about it felt so right. 

"but then..." tsukishima didn't know how to put it into words. 

"i found out he was lying... everything changed." tsukishima didn't expect hinata to be such a good listener. not only was he listening intently, but his body language was so open. tsukishima felt accepted... in a way. it made him feel a little bit better about being salty for no reason. now that he thinks about it, hinata has never made tsukki feel out of place for being the way he is. it both annoyed him and welcomed him. tsukkis guard wouldn't allow him to accept the welcoming feeling, so he only acted on the annoyed one. it felt nice to feel welcomed by someone without having to say anything. it was a silent home and tsukki was getting ready to take his shoes off and enter. 

"but, Yamaguchi pushed me to keep doing it. and i just kind of stuck around even though my passion wasn't the same." tsukishima said his finishing statement and looked into Hinata's eyes, which he just now realized he had been avoiding. 

"well that's good then. because now you like it for your own reason." hinata smiled. 

he's pretty right now. tsukishima thought. hinatas eyes were closed and he pushed his head a little forward. his lips were curved into a small smile, different from the ones tsukishima and the team are used to. his fuzzy bucket hat made it even cuter. (can you tell i like fuzzy bucket hats :P)

tsukishima nodded at what hinata said, not knowing what else to say. 

"you and yamaguchi are pretty close too. I'm glad he made you stick around." hinata said when he saw tsukishima wasn't smiling with him. it felt a bit awkward, but nothing hinata couldn't overcome by continuing the conversation. 

tsukki nodded and looked to the side. "yeah, we are pretty close," he said with a far-away voice. "he's my childhood best friend." tsukki shrugged and pushed his glasses up. he didn't know where hinata was trying to go with the conversation. he looked at hinata, who was looking right back at him. after analyzing his face he could tell hinata wasn't just trying to pass time. he actually cared and wanted to listen to tsukki. could this be a secret side of hinata that doesn't blabber all the time? tsukki liked the idea of that. 

"you guys must trust each other a lot then." hinata didn't really have a childhood best friend. no one really liked him since he was a bit of a hyper kid and he likes to think his first real best friend is kageyama even though they fight all the time. 

"yeah, i guess we do." tsukki and yamaguchi did share a lot together and they knew a lot about each other even if most times they just sit in silence with each other. 

"how did you guys even become friends?" the disbelief in hinatas voice was evident and tsukki knew why. it was because yamaguchi and tsukishima were so different. they always have been. 

"well, he just started following me around everywhere after i saved him from some bullies. even though i pushed him away a lot, he stuck around me. he's always had a thing for rude guys." tsukki attempted at a joke and it worked. hinatas laugh filled the room and tsukishima swore the lights got brighter. tsukishimas lips curled a bit at hinatas loud laugh. it was a little less annoying than it usually was, but still pretty annoying. 

"yeah, you and kageyama are rude." hinata said and laughed harder. tsukki scrunched his nose a bit. "it was a joke," he said and rolled his eyes. 

"YOU?! YOU MAKE JOKES?!" hinata said and started laughing even more. "the only thing you ever do is tease us, not make actual funny jokes. i don't think this is the real tsukishima." hinata said and started laughing even harder. tsukishima shook his head. this guy thinks he's so funny huh?

tsukishima rolled his eyes and scoffed. "it is the real me, idiot shrimp. and I'm not rude." hinatas laugh only got louder and tsukishima just grumbled annoyedly. 

even though he was cute earlier, he's annoying now. i hate him. tsukishima thought. he was confused at the two competing thoughts. is he cute or annoying? cute annoying? annoying cute? tsukishima decided that to keep it fair, hinata was neither. tsukki decided to ignore his thoughts. 

as hinata kept laughing, a worker had made their way over to their table. 

"hello." he smiled brightly at the two sitting down. tsukishima smiled and watched as he placed the food and drinks on the small table between them.

"Sorry for the long wait," he said and stood up straight when he was finished. 

"we're in no rush." hinata said kindly and it kind of surprised tsukki. he didn't know hinata could sound so... CUTE.

the worker smiled at hinata and looked between the both of them. 

"is there anything else we could do for you?" he asked and both boys shook their head. 

"that'll be all, thank you." tsukishima said and he picked up his shortcake as the worker walked off. hinata took a sip of his drink before he kept conversing with the salty blonde.  


sorry that i took so long to update hehe, ill probably be updating every Sunday or around there. it just depends on when i have time. thank you for being patient with me. this is unedited so if you see any mistakes, don't bash me for it.


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