chapter eight

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"what about you?" tsukki asked after a moment of silence. 

"well..." hinata looked to the side and tsukki knew that look. the passion and determination swimming in hinatas eyes as he remembered how he first got into volleyball. tsukki used to hate that look. he didn't understand it. volleyball is just a game. he didn't understand why hinata wanted to be so good at a game.  but for some reason, he thought hinata looked pretty admirable right now. tsukki shook his head to erase the thoughts and was successfully distracted as hinata answered. 

"I was biking with my friends and I saw the Tiny Giant on a tv at a store. when I saw him, it was like he was flying. i knew it was for me," he turned back to tsukki and smiled brightly. tsukki pushed up his glasses and cleared his throat.

"that's how I got into it!" hinata yelled out of nowhere and tsukki rolled his eyes. 

he's still annoying though, no matter how fricking admirable he is.

they continued to converse and eat over the next couple of hours. hinata told tsukki some stories of how he got bullied in middle school for having to practice with the girls team. he also told stories about how he would try to get everyone and anyone to play volleyball with him, even if it was just for five minutes. 

"oh, so that's why you suck. you never got any proper training. its not like you're smart enough to teach yourself."

"tsukki! mean!"

"hmph. don't call me that," eye roll. 

they continued to talk and talk about everything and anything. the conversation went from hinatas volleyball experience, tsukkis passion and how he can get better, the upcoming shiratorizawa game, funny stories when they were children, and different clothing stores they shopped at. they finished their food a while ago, but decided to sit and chill for a little more. hours passed by without them even noticing. that was until hinata got a call. 

"oh wait one second, lemme take this." hinata said and smiled at tsukki. tsukki nodded and rolled his eyes. 

what am I still doing here? he looked outside for a second to see the now darkening sky. gosh, we've been here all day. i can't help but find him annoyingly captivating. i hate this, feelings are so confusing. i hate him, but I want to be near him. i don't understand. i wish I was never forced to hang out with this idiot shrimp. idiot shrimps are confusing to me.

"hey..." hinata nodded. "yeah... okay... bye."

he hung up and looked at tsukki who was on his phone. 

"I have to go tsukki." hinata said and tsukki could tell he was a bit sad about that. tsukki was too, but he pretended he wasn't. he put his phone in his pocket and straightened his posture. hinata did the same. 

"I have to take care of my sister." hinata further explained the situation. tsukki felt a little pang in his heart, hinata did too. they didn't want to leave each other. even if it was for just a couple more moments, they wanted to spend it with each other. not that they would ever admit that to themselves or any one else. they both successfully brushed off the feeling and got up from the comfy seats. 

hinatas hands went to his butt and started rubbing up and down while he arched his back. "gosh, my butt hurts!" he said and giggled a bit. tsukki rolled his eyes, but felt the same pain. how hadn't he noticed it earlier? 

"whatever. lets go. ill see you on Monday. go, ill pay." tsukki said and hinata went into ultimate defense mode. 

"absolutely not!" hinata said and stood in front of tsukki, blocking his path. 

"just go, idiot shrimp. i got the idea of coming here so let me pay," tsukki said. he knew this was going to be a huge problem with how stubborn hinata was, but he was also very very small and tsukki could easily stomp on him like the roach he is. 

"no!" hinata said and firmly stood his ground. his arms crossed and he turned his head to the side, huffing. 

tsukki said nothing, only put his hands in hinatas armpits and lifted him. "huh?!" hinata yelped as he was picked up and placed to the side by tsukki. tsukki snickered and made his way to the cashier, who told them earlier they could stay however long they liked as long as they remembered to pay before they left. 

before tsukki knew it, hinata made his way in front of him and tried to pay. the worker from earlier stood there, a little overwhelmed by how fast hinata was moving. 

"shrimp. leave. seriously." tsukki said and pushed hinata out of the way. he payed for the food from earlier while hinata grumbled on the side to himself, pulling out the amount of money they owed and possibly a little more. 

"here." hinata said as they started walking out of the shop. hinata was going to wrong way, but he didn't care. tsukki rolled his eyes and pushed the money away from him. 





"no, shrimp. stop. go home. stop following me." tsukki was a bit annoyed, but he couldn't deny how cute hinata was when he was persistent. 

"YES TSUKKI TAKE IT!" hinata said and shoved the money in tsukkis pockets. tsukki grumbled to himself and pulled the money out of his pocket. in the timespan of a blink, he shoved the money back into hinatas hand and continued to walk away. hinata was about to keep chasing him, but his phone started to ring again. 

"oh no," he whispered to himself and stopped running. he watched as tsukki continued to walk and grumbled to himself. his mother scolded him and he apologized before hanging up, claiming he'd be there in ten minutes. 

ill definitely get the money to him on Monday!  hinata thought to himself as he watched tsukkis tall figure turn into a faraway silhouette. 


hinatas thoughts for the rest of the weekend were taken over by the conversation he had with tsukki. it didn't feel as long as it was. they must've been there for six or eight hours, but to hinata it only felt like three minutes. 

hinata has never had a big problem with tsukki. he wouldn't mind being tsukkis friend, despite how much he teases and annoys him. sometimes, hinata feels like tsukki really hates him. at the cafe though, hinata figured it was all an act. that's just who tsukki was. he pretends to hate everyone and everything, but he's really just a big softie. 

hinata giggled to himself at the thought as he changed into his pajamas. he shook his head and droplets of water flew all around him from his hair. he stopped all movement for a moment and thought of tsukkis blushing face that he caught while they were out on Saturday. his hand flew to his mouth and he blushed to himself. little giggles escaped his lips, but the moment was interrupted by his sister calling him to play. 

"ill be down in two seconds, Natsu!" he yelled back and put on his pants. 

tsukkis not soooooo bad. 

hey yall! I'm sorry that this is a bit baddddd, I just really had no inspiration and I had so much homework this week. anywayyyysss HAPPY HALLOWEEEENNNNN! i updated this story one day earlier because its Halloween today so think of this as your treat :))) i hope you enjoyed it even if it was a bit short!!! bye bye! this is unedited and I promise the next chapter will be much better, this was a bit rushed rip.

ALSO thank you so much to those who have been reading this!!!! i really appreciate all the reads, comments, and votes! they make my day!!! thank you so much!!!!

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