Chapter 9

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January was soon over, February came and it was another week until Elliot's ball at his castle.It was Valentines Times Day and Enchancia was throwing a Valentines ball on the Valentines Time Day.

It was the night of the Valentines Time Day ball and Sofia worn a light pink ball gown with red roses embroidered on her gown. Violet was doing her hair and having a small conversation with Sofia, since Sofia had became a princess she quickly become friends with most of the maids or staff that helped around the class, Violet has been one of her close friends since she became a princess.

Violet asked, "Sofia are you alright?" Sofia replied, "Yes Violet, l'm alright.""Why do you ask?" "And also how are you?" Violet chuckled and said, "Oh l am perfectly happy and fine Sofia." "But l more concerned about you, you seem lost in your thoughts." Sofia sighed and asked, "It's that obvious?" Violet nodded and said to her, "You can to talk me about anything." "But if you don't want to talk about it then that's also fine." Sofia nodded and sighed and explained everything to Violet. When she finished explaining Violet said, "Well you should let one prince ruin your relationship with Hugo." Sofia nodded and stood up and hugged Violet. Sofia broke off the hug and went to the door before she went out, she turned to Violet and said, "Thank you Violet, for being a great friend to me since l came to the castle." Violet curtsied and said, "Trust me, Sofia the honour is all mine of being a friend to you." Sofia walked out to meet James and Amber. Amber asked, "You ready?" James and Sofia nodded and Baileywick announced their names, May l please announce to the ball, Princess Amber, Prince James and Princess Sofia!

King Roland said to them as they walked down, "My kids have all grown up to be wonderful people." Queen Miranda said, "Yes, we did a good job Rollie."
Sofia and Amber blushed while James was grinning. The kids soon started dancing with their parents and other dukes,duchesses,queens,kings until they got to their friends who was also there.

Amber and James continued dancing but with Desmond and Vivian this time. Sofia decided to take a break and went to the drinks table and found herself stuck with Prince Elliot. Elliot said, "Hello Sofia." Sofia sighed and said, "What do you want this time Elliot?" Elliot smirked and asked and extended his hand to Sofia, "Would you care to dance with me Princess Sofia?" Sofia knew he could fully trust him but she was a princess so if she declined it would be rude of her.

Sofia sighed and took his and went back to the dance floor. Elliot and Sofia made little conversation when they danced. They didn't stop dancing until Elliot was satisfied of what he got from Sofia. When the music finished, Elliot bowed and Sofia curtsied and went back to where she was while Elliot went off to dance with another princess.

Sofia watched how everyone danced and found herself lost in thought and also wondered Hugo could be since she saw his brother but not him and the night was almost over. Sofia decided to go to the library since she couldn't find Hugo and went to the garden and read for a bit until some small shadow blocked her book, it was Clover. Sofia closed her book and asked Clover, "Clover what are you doing here?" Clover smiled and said, "Me, Mia, Robin and Whatnaught need you in your secret garden." Sofia protested, But- Clover cut off saying, "Now Sofia, it's urgent." Sofia sighed and took Clover in her arms and put him down to lead the way. Clover ran or hopped away quickly so Sofia could keep up. Sofia eventually caught up to him, and moved the ribbon to reveal the door to her secret garden which was partly open. Sofia said, "Clover!" "This better be an urgent matter or issue otherwise no carrots for a week!"

As she opened the door to her secret garden, she found it all decorated with hearts and pictures of her and Hugo, and a table in the middle with heart scones and cookies. Sofia was so happy and surprised she was almost crying tears of happiness and asked Clover who was next to her, "How?" "When?" "Why?" "What?" "Who?" Clover smiled and said, "Look who's in front of you now."

Sofia saw Hugo in front of her and she was so happy that she ran to his arms,which were open waiting for her, Sofia ran to his arms hugged him tightly. Hugo hugged her tightly and spun her around a few times before setting her. Sofia said to Hugo as her tears of joy and happiness were coming out, "I thought you forgot it was Valentines Time Day." Hugo chuckled and said, "No l didn't why would you think l'd forget?" Sofia shouted, "Well l don't know because at school you didn't even give me a Valentines Time Card!" "I was getting worried, you couldn't make it tonight." As she hugged Hugo once more. Hugo apologised, "Sorry Sof but l had this whole Valentines Time Day gesture planned out and l just had to do it." "Let's just say a special Valentines Time Day gesture for a special girl." Sofia blushed and sat down and asked Hugo as he also sat down, "How did you get all of this here?" Hugo laughed a bit and said, "You know you have animal friends right." Sofia nodded. Hugo continued, "I explained everything to them and they got every animal friend you have been friends with for the last eight years and they all helped me."

Sofia gasped lightly and went to Clover and other friends and said, "Thank you." She hugged all of her animal friends. And went to sit down with Hugo. They were chatting and joking around for most of the night, until they were quite hungry and started having the heart scones and cookies.

Sofia asked Hugo while she ate her cookie, "Did you make these?" Hugo nodded and said with a bit of his scone in his mouth, "Yes, and l had an amazing baking teacher to teach me." Sofia looked around while she ate her cookie and turned back to Hugo who was smirking at her. Sofia pointed to herself and asked Hugo, "Me?" Hugo nodded and took her hand and kissed it. Sofia blushed sightly and said, "I love you." "And happy Valentines Time Day." Hugo kissed her on the lips and whispered to her, "Happy Valentines Time Day Sofia." "I love you too." After they finished the scones and cookies, they were stargazing until it got really late and Hugo had to go home. Before he went home, Sofia ran up to him and kissed him on lips. Sofia said, "Good night." "See you tomorrow." Hugo whispered softly to her, "See you tomorrow and good night." Sofia waved as he got in the coach. She went to sleep happily that night as did Hugo.

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