Chapter 11

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For the next week Sofia was hanging around Elliot more than Hugo, but still found time for him even though she was Elliot's girlfriend. It was lunch and Hugo was just looking at Sofia and Elliot green with envy in his eyes, he was continued to stare at them every class. Of course Hugo was still relieved that he had some way to be near Sofia but it wasn't the same.

Amber and James whispered to Hugo's ear, "Hugo meet us outside and in the school garden." "We need something  important to tell you." Hugo nodded and said to Sofia, "Hey Sofia I'm just going outside." Sofia said, "Okay." "See you in next class Hugo." Hugo ran outside and went to school garden where he saw all his friends already there.

Hugo asked, "What's going on?" Amber said to Hugo, "We know what's wrong with Sofia but we didn't want to tell you straight away because we'd know you'd overreact but we think we know the solution to your problem." Hugo asked confused, "Why would I overreact?" Everyone sighed and James said, "You'll understand when we tell you dude." Amber started saying, "We all know you and Sofia have been worried about your relationship and Elliot, so we decided to keep an eye on him for you two." Hugo said, "That doesn't sound so bad." Derek chuckled softly, "Hugo we haven't gotten to the bad part yet."

Hugo gulped nervously. Derek took a deep breath and continued, "It was I think a few weeks ago this happened I was sitting next to Elliot and he has some vial or bottle his hand, and he's just staring at it." "We have a little conversation of the bottle he is saying at." "And I find out it's a love potion and he was planning on using it to use on Sofia."  "And it looks like he already has." Hugo's jaw dropped with disbelief.

Hugo said, "I-is there a way to break it?" Trying to believe what he just heard. Everyone just stood silent thinking about ways to break the potion then all of a sudden everyone got the same idea. Everyone nodded and looked back to Hugo, Clio said, "Hugo what's one way to break a love spell?" Hugo said, "An act of true love." Then he realised what he just said and then said, "Oh." The princes whispered in unison, "True love's kiss."
The girls said in unison, "Will break.." then all of them said in together including Hugo, "Any love spell or love potion."

Clio said, "You have to break it Hugo." Hugo asked, "Why me?" All of his friends raised an eyebrow like he is that oblivious. James said, "You are her boyfriend aren't you not?" "You can only break the potion because Sofia is in love with you no one else." Hugo asked, "But she's under the love potion will she still be in love with me?" Vivian reassured Hugo, "Hugo, Sofia is a strong girl." "Her guts and her instincts she listens to and even if she is under the love potion she will probably feel more connected to you than Elliot any day." Hugo said, "Thanks Vi." "That means a lot you said that and gives me hope." Vivian said, "No problem." "Sofia would've done the same if she wasn't under this potion." Hugo laughed and nodded. Now he just needed a plan to get Sofia closer to him instead of Elliot and kiss her to break the potion she's under.

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