7. I didn't know what to do with you

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"Wilder," I open my eyes as someone pulled on me. As I gaze around, I realized I have no clue where I am. But then I meet eyes with Nico.

"Are you okay?" She asks, and I nod as I stretch myself.
"Where are we?" I wonder, scratching the back of my neck.

"Well, you weren't able to give me your address, so I brought you home with me. I didn't know what to do with you," She shrugs apologetically, and I told her my address this time.

"You live on the other side of town, Wilder. I'm not driving you this late, come on," She let out a breath, getting out of the car. I do the same, and I tumble around the vehicle to Nico's side. She watches me like a hawk as I follow after her inside the house.

"Up the stairs," She indicates to me, and I step up with her behind me. I slip at one of the steps, and I close my eyes to how painful it was. It feels as if someone ripped the skin off the bottom of my foot.

"Are you okay?" Nico asked, and I nodded as I tried to ignore the agony. She pulls me up by the arm and takes me along with her into a bedroom.

"Sit down," She tells me, pointing at the bed, and I do as I'm told. Nico disappears out of the bedroom, and I lie down, resting my head onto the pillow. I can't keep my eyes open, and it's like my body is giving up on me. The bed smells like her, so it must be hers. It's such a soothing scent, though.

"Wilder, I need you to wake up," Nico says lightly, but I didn't move until she placed her hand on my back. I sit back up as she reaches me a big glass of water.

"Drink up," She tells me, not giving me a choice. I take the glass and drink it all up, and I lay back down in the bed with a thud. Her sighing out loud made me open an eye to peek at her. She is over at her dresser, taking out a shirt. I closed my eye the moment she turned to me, but then I watched her again as she brought her t-shirt over her head. 

I stopped breathing for a moment of the view as my heartbeat raised. Nico is stunning, more than that. She is beautiful to the point where there are no words enough in the dictionary to describe it. Her skin tone is perfect, the way it forms around the muscles on her arms, shoulders, and even her belly. I locked my eyes as she was on the way to pull off her bra. It would not be polite of me to look, but I also turned my back to her in case the temptation takes over me.

The weight of Nico lying down in the bed behind me caused me to wake up. My cheeks heated up with the knowledge of her right there. But I remain silenced and frozen in my spot.


I stare right onto an empty face, eyes shut and mouth locked as she is far away in sleep. She breaths in and out lightly in a perfect rhythm. Since I woke up, I have tried to remember how I got here, but I can't. It feels like there is a big lump down in my belly, it's a horrible feeling, and my mouth is so dry. I moved back a little as Nico's eyes opened.

"How are you feeling?" She asked and then cleared her throat.

"I'm okay," I answered, gazing around, lost and confused.

"Where am I, and why am I here with you?" I wondered, but a flash of a view comes to my mind, which left my cheeks red. I bite on my lower lip, trying with all my might not to think about it. But how can I not? She is beautiful. Okay, time out, Wilder. I get up and stumble myself over her and place my feet onto the floor. When I found my ground, I realized that I'm not wearing the hoodie I put on yesterday.

"Is this yours?" I ask, staring down at the blue sweatshirt.

"Yeah, you" She pauses and avoided my gaze as she is thinking deeply about what to say.

"You kinda puked over your own," She explains to me, and I wrinkle my nose with I nod as I look around. She has a nice bedroom, bright and a lot of space. A desk with a laptop is resting in front of the window. A flat-screen TV, and I narrow my eyes as I step towards the TV bench. A smile finds its way on my lips as I see she has a console. I always wanted one of these, but my father could never afford one. Not that I ever asked for one anyway, because I know better.

"Do you want to play?" Nico asked, confused.

"I don't know how to," I shrugged and faced her; she seems intrigued but also amused.

"I can show you," She smiled, finding her way over to me, picking up a controller, and turn everything on.

"I presume soccer would be something you would like to play?" She asked.

"I guess," I said shyly, feeling my hands shake, but I'm not sure if it's by excitement or nervousness. I'm not sure about anything when I am around Nico. Everything seems to fog up when I'm with her.

"Okay, you shoot with this button," She keeps explaining to me which buttons to press to do certain things. I watched her play for a bit, looking at the screen but also at the movement of her hands.

"Here," She handed me the controller, and I meet her eyes for a second.

"Don't be scared; it won't bite you," She mocked me, and Nico is back to herself again.

"Fine, but can I have something to drink?" I wondered.

"Sure, do you want something to eat as well?" She asked, pushing herself up on her long legs.

"Yeah, that would be nice," I smiled up at her and watched her disappear out the door.

While I waited on her to come back, I started to play but struggle to remember which buttons to use, and it led to a goal for the other team.

"Are you losing?" She laughed, and I pause the game as she sits down next to me, handing me the glass of water.

"Thanks," I said and down the water, which made Nico watch me in shock.

"I'm sorry," I told her out of breath, but she only shakes her head at me with a slight smile.

"Well, I made a cheese sandwich, and I found a bag of salty crips," She explained, and I grabbed the bag. The moment she mentioned it, I couldn't stop the craving. I take a few pieces and start the game.

"You need to shoot, no!" She laughed as I pushed the wrong button. A wave of embarrassment hit, but there is something about her laugh that eases it. She has such a sweet low laugh. I tried not to smile at how it warmed, but I couldn't prevent it.

"Let me help you," She said, and I was about to hand her the controller, but she had a different idea. She placed herself behind me and laid her hands over mine. I stiffen entirely of her act of how her body is so close up against my back.

"Okay," She said, pressing play, but I can't seem to move a thing, which isn't a problem as she is mostly in control. How can she not feel it? It's like a wave of electricity flowing through me every time she touches me. Only looking at her gives me a shock.

"Wilder, come on," She chuckled as she rested her head on my shoulder, and her breath was tickling my neck. I should concentrate on the game, but I can't. How can I, when someone like her is holding me from behind?

I turn to her, our faces so close that I can feel her breath on my cheek. My gaze ends up on her lips but quickly finds her eyes as I caught myself in my wrongdoing. She is so desirable as if she was a siren that was calling upon me. As much as I want to, I can't.

"I need to text my dad," I said, stepping away from her to find my phone. He might be worried, I told him I might be sleeping over with Lynda, but that didn't happen. I sit down in the bed as I unlock my phone. Frustrating enough, I miss Nico's warmth right away. This can't be happening; we are rivals. I am not supposed to like her and spend time with her. What have I done to myself?

"I think I need to go home," I said, and she nods, not even looking at me.

"Do you mind driving me to my car?" I wondered.

"No, I can take you," She got up on her feet and turned off everything.

"Thank you," I smiled, but the emptiness in Nico's eyes is not hard to notice. 

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