8. You are into deep

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I let out a loud sigh as I wait on Lynda to arrive at the Dinner. She didn't appear at school today, and I texted her to meet me here. I'm pissed at her because of what she did the other day at the party. Lynda left me on my own, which she knows I don't like when she brings me to parties.

I see my friend appeared through the door and find her way over to me. She doesn't say anything and won't even look at me; clearly, she knows I am not happy.

"Are you going to say something?" I asked, resting my head in my palms as I placed my elbows on the table.

"I'm sorry, I have been acting like an asshole, and I promise to behave from now on," Lynda said and sit back up and nod to myself rapidly.

"Okay, thank you," I smiled, letting her off the hook.

"But I did look for you, I found your truck, but never you," She shrugged.

"Yeah, couldn't drive back home; I was drunk," I chuckled, and Lynda narrows her eyes.

"You never drink," She sounded surprised.

"I know," I said, but someone entering the Dinner captures my attention—Nico, along with a couple of other girls, all of them wearing the blue Griffiths hoodie. She meets my eyes and smiles at me right away but shook it off. I narrowed my eyes as I look back at my friend, who seemed to noticed something was off. She turned to look in the direction of them.

"What's up?" My friend whispered to me, but I ignored her as they passed our table. The two girls on her team gave us a warning glance.

"May I ask why you smiled so brightly all of a sudden?" Lynda wondered, crossing her arms over her chest. I roll my eyes but can't stop myself from turning my head around to peek at Nico. It's like my eyes always have to be on her. Now it feels like it's not a choice anymore. I have to see every move she makes and listen to every word she says. I can't let anything go unnoticed because I'm scared if I do, I might miss something extraordinary.

She is discussing with her friends what to order. As Nico seems to be deep in thought about what to choose, she is scratching the side of her cheek. But then she peeks in my direction. She smiled as she saw I was looking at her, and I turned back to my frowning friend in a hurry.

"You are into deep," She said, and now I'm the one who frowns.

"What?"I blurted out.

"I have known you for fifteen years, Wilder, and never have anyone taken your curiosity like that," She explained to me, but I bite my lip as I stare down at the table.

"It's nothing," I told her and clench my jaw.

"It's nothing?" She said a bit too loud, which made me watch her in annoyance. She leans forward to me.

"Wilder, for christ's sake, your eyes lit up like fireworks the moment you saw her," Lynda whispered harshly at me, and I shrugged.

"I have no idea what you are talking about," I argued, and she watches me stunned as she shook her head. As before, I switch around, not able to stop myself. But they have founded themself a place to sit and can't see Nico anymore.

"Wilder," My friend called out my name but watched me with worry.

"What?" I am starting to get frustrated with her now.

"I am your friend, maybe not a good one, but I'm still here. And I love the fact that someone has found your interest and believe me, I am happy for you," She placed her hand on top of mine.

"Because you have only been drowning yourself with soccer and practice. But I feel if you go after the one you want, it might be your destruction," Lynda explained to me, and I can only find myself nodding because I know she is right. Even if Nico liked me, there would be complications on the way. My teammates might turn on me, perhaps even people in this town. We are both rivals and also the captain of our team. I am supposed to be the leader and go out as an example.

"Yeah," I sighed, defeated, and I can't believe I have put myself through this. I need it to stop.

"I'm not telling you this to be mean, but you can't be together," She says apologetically.

"Unless you are willing to end your soccer dream for it," Lynda shrugged.

"I know, don't worry," I tried to smile, but she can see right through me. When I finally find someone who makes me feel a way I have never felt before, it had to be Nico.

"How did this happen, by the way?" She asked, leaning forward, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"Does it matter? It's not like anything can happen anyways," I said, not wanting to talk about it anymore. It feels like a dark cloud is hanging over my head now.

"No, I'm only wondering because you haven't mentioned anything," She told me, and it's true, but she hasn't been much around either.

"I don't' know; it just happened. I thought I disliked her but realized that was not the case," I explained myself.

"I'm sorry, Wilder," She said genuinely.

"It's fine," I took a deep breath.

"You owe me a meal for the way you have treated me," I winked at her this time.

"Sure, I'll get you something," She smiled. 

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