25. Get out!

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"So, how is the girlfriend?" Lynda whispered, seated next to me as she pulled off her soccer shoes. One after one, the rest of the team enters the locker room loudly and drenched in water and mud. The floor seems to have a new color now, poor cleaning people.

"She is fine, and get those wet stink shoes away from me" I pushed her hand away as I rolled my eyes. Those could kill someone. I love soccer, but I hate playing in the rain. Clothes get sticky; shoes tend to smell bad, and I have to listen to my teammates complain about the cold. 

"It's been four months, Wilder, am I ever going actually meet her like probably?" She asked, and I furrowed my brows as I put on a new shirt. 

"You want to meet her?" I asked, surprised, and she gave me an offended glare as she placed her hands on her waist. 

"Are you serious?" She raised her eyebrows.

"I have only talked to her twice when I asked her to take you home from the bonfire and when I had to pull her out of that party. It would be nice to get to know her," She shrugged. 

"I think we can do that. I'll talk to her," I smiled; I didn't realize that Lynda wanted to meet her, which is nice, though.

"Good, Ewen and I broke up," She said out of the blue as she threw her socks in her bag.

"I'm sorry," I told her, but she only shrugged.

"It's fine. I was kind of the one that ended it, but he agreed, so no worries," She smiled, at least tried to.

"Then why do I get the feeling there is something off?" I pointed out, I'm not that bright, but there was something there.

"Because," She sighed. 

"He reacted in such a way that it annoyed me," She explained as I changed into pants. 

"What?" I said, not following whatsoever. 

"I thought when I broke up with him, he would a be a little sad," Lynda said, and I am not sure if I should laugh or be concerned right now. 

"Why would he be sad?" I wondered, which I realized was a stupid question because I understood what she meant now. Wouldn't it sadden me if Nico broke up with me? Of course, it would, perhaps, even painful. I shook myself of the thought, and Lynda watched me weirdly.

"I just got what you said," I explained, and she nodded as she put the beanie on her head. 

"I think you are the slowest person I have ever met," She said, stunned. 

"My brain process things in hundredth different ways, there isn't always one answer to one question, and my brain will simply find all the answers before I can figure out the right one," I argued, and she burst into laughter.  

"What? I need to make sure I have the right answer before I put it out in the open; isn't that how it works?" I asked, and she kept on laughing, holding onto her belly.

"I just say the first thing that comes to mind," She shrugged as I finished dressing and packing my bag.

"Then how do you know that was the right thing to say?" I wondered, bewildered.  

"Because, unlike you, Wilder, I'm not all too worried about what people think about the things I say," She explained, placing her hand on my back as we stepped into the hallway. 

Scratching the back of my head, I wonder if I am the only one who has a mind which functions like this. Nico seems to say things straight out, and many other people I have met seem to act that way as well. I know I'm a huge introvert and prefer to be alone most of the time, but not for Nico.  I would rather have her company than my own. 

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