Chapter 13

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Kenma's POV

Even though the soup was a little bit cold it taste good but I can't take away my eyes to Shoyo because now that I saw her as a girl i felt embarrassed to why i always hug her and while i was minding myself i heard Shoyo sobb and i am panicking.

Kenma then got up to his chair and adjusted it so that the two of them are close while eating he then lifted Hinata's chin and saw her face red and her eyes with tears on it so he then wiped it with his tombs and smiled at her Hinata gradually cried more and saying "I i - I'm sorry Kenma I didn't meant to lie to you i - i was scared that you would hate me WAHHHHH!" Kenma's epression was priceless he can't do anything and just hugged her so that she would stop crying and she stopped he then faced her and smiled and Hinata got spaced out and smiled back and hugged Kenma and Kenma aswell hugged her.

For the drama moment there they then continued to eat the soup and when they were done Hinata then picked up the plates and washed them ofc Kenma helped Hinata when he was done wiping the table and they chatted in the living room when they were done washing some plates.

(Kenma is in the right and Shoyo is in the left this is their convo)

Shoyo are you felling
better now?

Yes I fell better now
beacuse I finally told
you my secret that
I'm a girl... Amd I hope
you won't tell anybody
because they might
hate me... Pls kenma?
*with a puppy eyes on*

Ofc *he smiles and
hugged Hinata*
I will not tell anybody
I promise *Kenma's thinking*
(I will gradually not to tell anyone especially
that rooster head
if he finds out that
my precious Shoyo
is a girl all along)
*as he snicker and
smirking silently while
hugging Hinata*

Thank you Kenma I
thought you would
hate but in the end
you will accept me thank you
*as she pushed herself to
Kenma and they flopped to the couch lying there and
Hinata doze of and
slept in Kenma's chest*

And the convo stopped here

Kenma's POV

I am still flustered to Shoyo suddenly snuggled herself into my chest and we got into a postion thet we were laying in the couch were Shoyo was still in top of me but I then got to my senses and picked her up like a bridal style i still fell that my face was heating up a little and my ears kinda itchy I am crying towards to were a room were i hated for a while because of a guys scent but atleast Shoyo told me her secret.

I can fell that the room was cold and Shoyo was moving a lot I think because of the coldness I then got to the bed and cuddled with her she cuddled with me so that is a winwin and we slept for the night without playing games but atleast I got to cuddle with her for the night.


Ayye yoooh sooo this is a short for now because my cramps are starting up and it hurts that I'm about to snap a pencil but anyways I hope you enjoyed reading that is all.


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