Chapter 7

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"WAKE UP!" I open my eyes after falling on my stomach.

"What the hell?!" I yell to Jude.

"Sorry." I look over at Sam. "I tried to stop him." I sigh and stand up.

"I hate you both equally."

"She's really not a morning person." Sam says with a smile.

"No, I just don't enjoy being woken up with a heart attack." I say running my hands through my hair. Sam chuckles and clears his throat.

"So. You and Jude have a choice. You can either go to school or come ditch with the gang and I."

"It's only my second day." I say finally standing up.

"You can go if you want. But our tradition is we skip a day every month just to hang out and relax. Not worry about school."

"Well, if Opal wants to go I'll go too. To keep her outta trouble." Jude offers.

"Actually." I smile. "I could use a whole new wardrobe. I could use some help to look a little more intimidating."

"So what you're saying is?" I laugh and bite my lip.

"I don't wanna be that innocent happy girl everyone assumes I am. I'm more complicated than that and I wanna show it."

"You're wanting to go through your rebellious stage now?" Sam asks.

"Sorta. But I want it to also be who I really am. I'm not a child, I have some sass." Jude chuckles and nods. I can't help but smile wider. "I wanna show how creative I really am. My style, my hair color, my makeup, it's so boring and dull... That's not who I am." Sam nods.

"Well, for now dress like that cute little princess you are for the time being then we can have some fun." Sam winks and walks away. I look over at Jude with a smile.

"If it's what you want, I'm cool with it. But I'll admit, I don't see anything wrong with the way you look now." He smiles at me and walks out of the room, closing the door behind him.


I walk outside in a simple pair of black jeans and a white tank top with a simple black jacket and black ballet flats. Of course everyone else is in the neutral colors with pops of color, I don't know if they'd be considered rebels, punks or emos, but I guess it doesn't matter because no matter the clique, I'd hang out with them.

"Hey! It's the baby brother!" Asia yells as she hops out of the car. She runs up to Jude and hugs him.

"I'm not the youngest one here anymore! Why am I still the baby?!"

"Aww. Are you throwing a temper tantrum?" I ask in a baby voice. Jude gives me a warning look and I can't help but laugh.

"Let's go. No time to waste!" Peter says as he honks the horn. "Opal you're the tiniest one, you're front bitch and Asia-"

"I know, I know. I'm back bitch." I raise an eye brow.

"Bitch?" I ask.

"Middle seats." Jude says with a chuckle.

"Oh." Jude laughs and leads me to the car. I sit between Peter and Sam while Asia sat between Jude and Frankie. I sat and listened to all the different things going on between them. Asia and Frankie are arguing about some type of band I've never heard of. Peter is singing along, really well, to the radio and Sam is beating against the door and glove compartment with the beat of the song.

"How are you not driven crazy by this?" I look behind me and see Jude leaning forward with an amused smile.

"My family is annoying, I learn to deal." Jude laughs and nods. "What do you usually do?"

"Look out the window. Most of the time I sing along with Peter and other times I get in on whatever stupid argument these two have." He says gesturing to Asia and Frankie. I laugh and nod. "What would you do?"

"I'm a sick air guitarist." I say with all seriousness and Jude laughs.

"Really? I feel like I need proof." I lick my lip.

"I don't need to prove anything to you pretty boy." Jude smiles.

"Oh, so you think I'm pretty?" I feel a light blush coming up.

"Not what I meant."

"You said it." I chuckle and smack his cheek.

"You're more annoying than your brother."

"I heard that." Sam yells over the music as he continues to beat against the vehicle. Jude and I laugh and continue talking.

Eventually we get to the mall and pile out of the car. Sam helps me out and wraps his arm around me. "So. Asia knows the deal and she wants to take you to get clothes. And like the little trouble maker she is-"

"I got my mom's credit card." She says lifting it up. "We can spend up to $300 in one store and can spend about $2000 total. My treat." Asia winks and laughs.

"You really don't-"

"I know I don't need to but I want to. I mean, do you really think these guys would let me help them with a make over?" I laugh and nod.

"True I suppose."

"So, first things first. Hair. So blondie, whatcha wanna do?" I grab my hair and twist the ends a bit.

"Dyed, cut and layered." I say with a smile.

"Then let's go. Boys, go cause trouble. I'll text you when Opal and I are done with her transformation."

"But-" Peter starts to say but Asia cuts him off.

"Bye boys!" I laugh as Asia pulls me away, running, into the mall.

We stop at the hair salon and Asia grabs my arms. "Wow this mall is huge." Asia laughs and waves her hand in my face.

"Focus Opal. Now what are you planning on doing?" I smile and laugh.

"It's a surprise. But before I actually get my hair cut, let's buy some clothes first."


"So you can see the whole finished product! Duh! Cause what if the guys see me after I get my hair and makeup done as we buy clothes?"

"Very true. You are a smart one." I laugh and shrug. "Well, let's go get some clothes and after that, you'll be a whole new girl."

Asia and I lock arms as we walk to many different stores. I found a lot of clothes I liked and that suited my style, which was surprising. Asia also made me try on dresses for parties and clubs so after a good half hour of trying on just the dresses, we decided on 4 really pretty ones that suited me.

After we got my clothes, I get to the bathroom to change into an outfit that I feel would go good for my new look, the new me. Asia left me her credit card when I went to get my hair, nails and makeup done. I didn't know they had a place where they did all three... It took a good 2 hours but after it was all over and the cloth hanging around my shoulders was gone...

Needless to say, I've never felt more like myself than the years I spent with my dad.

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