Chapter 18

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We all get changed and walk around the school for the remaining 20 minutes before the ending bell. Art and I decide to go back to the river. I hop the fence with slight difficulty.

"That's sad." Art says as he waits for me to slowly climb down.

"Shut up!" He laughs and I manage to reach the bottom with a loud sigh. "Thanks for the help."

"What was I supposed to do? You were doing fine." I scoff with a smile and walk past him.

"You're a dick."

"Well I have one." I can't help but laugh.


"It's anatomy sweetheart. Nothing dirty about the human body. Unless you don't shower then you got problems." I turn around with a smile.

"You tend to babble you know that?" He smiles back.

"No I didn't but thank you for telling me."

"You're welcome." I turn back around and continue walking to the river. When we get there Art beats me to the rock. I manage to squeeze on the rock and sit down. I take off my shoes and socks and dip my feet in the water. Art sits down beside me and we sit in comfortable silence.

"You know I really wish I could hate you some times." I look up at Art with a confused look.

"I'm sorry?" He laughs and shakes his head.

"I know it sounded bad but it's just because it's different around you."

"What do you mean by different?"

"You know the rumors, you know most are true." He smiles down at the water. "But you don't treat me any different than anybody else. If anything you treat me better."

"Well, everyone has their dark sides. They shouldn't be judged for it." Art smiles at me.

"Do you wanna know what happened between Sam and I?" My heart beats faster.

"Only if you want to tell me." Art sits down beside me with a sigh.

"Sam and I were friends believe it or not. We were friends for a while and that was before I knew what Sam was capable of. He likes to have control over everything, everybody. I was one of his pawns. He made me do a lot of illegal things so he could benefit from them, the main ones being the arson, the robbery and even the hit and run charges I had on me. The arson was his old foster family's house, the robbery was so he could move out and get the place he has now and the hit and run was someone who didn't wanna follow his orders anymore."

"Those things you were charged with, they weren't your actions? They were Sam's?" Art nods.

"I took the fall. Then after I realized what her was doing, I pulled away from him. Then one day I was home alone, this was when my parents were still together, they were at work and I was going to go to sleep because I wasn't too hungry and hella tired: I went into my room and got attacked by Sam and a few of his other followers."

"Followers as in-"

"Not Peter, Asia or Frankie. Well, Frankie was there but he was reluctant to do anything, but of course Sam made him."

"Art you don't have to tell me. It's fine." Art smiles at me.

"I'll tell you the rest later. For now we should actually get going." Art stands up and holds out his hand for me. I grab it and stand up. Art looks away awkwardly and walks past me. "Let's go slow poke." I hop off the rock and follow behind Art.

We manage to hop the fence just before the bell rings. Art helps me down and I hear someone yell my name. "Opal!" I turn around and see Jude and Sam walking up to me.

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