Chapter 14

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After class ended I decided to call in sick to work, it's been a weird day... Luckily my boss said I can have today off and to get better soon. I grab my dance clothes and my homework. I walk downstairs to the art room.

"Opal?" I smile at my art teacher.


"You look stressed."

"I am. Any chance I could have at least 20 minutes to paint or something?"

"Of course. Just be sure to clean up. I need to be outside today so I'll give you my keys."

"Thanks Mr. Zimmer." I say with a smile. He hands me his keys and let's me in. I sit at my station in the back and bring up a new canvas, watercolor today. I walk to the front of the room and grab the colors I feel necessary. I'm not too sure what I'm going to paint but like usual it comes to me. I set the paints and brushes on the table and walk to get a mason jar of water. I set it by the paint and grab my headphones, deciding to listen to the song that Art and I are doing for class. I put them on and start painting.

The world seems to fade around me. It's just the music and the paints. My hand does whatever it wishes, but after the first 10 minutes I realize what it is... It's the river Art took me to. I push past that though and continue painting. I hear the door open and I turn around. I take off my headphones.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt." I turn around putting my headphones back on. "Opal." I hear over the music. "Opal!" I take off my headphones and drop my paintbrush.

"What Jude? I made it clear I didn't want to be around you right now."

"I know." He sighs and pulls a chair beside me. "I'm sorry. It's just hard for me to see you around him."

"Why? He's not my boyfriend or anything."

"I know, but I get jealous easily. Especially with a girl like you." I raise an eyebrow. "I really like you Opal. I want to be more than just friends with you. I can't handle not calling you my girlfriend." My heart clenches. "Please say something Opal."

"I'm not too sure what to say."

"A response would be nice." He says with a smile. "I know I was out of line when I said that stuff to Art. I was really jealous about him being around you. I knew if he had the chance or the guts he'd ask you to be his girlfriend too."

"That was a little rude."

"Why are you defending him?"

"Because he's my friend Jude." His facial expression is beyond confused. "I know everyone hates him, especially our friends and your brother. But I like Art as a friend." I felt a ping in my heart, I wonder if Jude knows what my tell is...

"Fine. I accept that he's your friend. But I don't want him to advance at you because I want you to be my girlfriend. Please Opal." I bite my lip. "I'm begging you." I exhale lightly and look at the painting. Maybe it's for the best... I hope it is. I look back at Jude, only one way to find out.

"Okay." Jude smiles and I can't help but smile too. Jude cups my chin and kisses me lightly. I kiss him back with a laugh and pull away. "Everyone is gonna shit bricks when we tell them." Jude laughs.

"True." I look up at the time and sigh.

"It's been 20 minutes. I gotta clean up then leave for today." Jude pulls my chin to him and kisses me again lightly.

"Alright. I'll be waiting for you outside."

"Okay." Jude walks away and I can't help but laugh.


"Thanks again for letting me paint Mr. Zimmer."

"Anytime Opal." He grabs his keys from me. "What did you paint?"

"A beautiful place a friend showed me. I'll show you tomorrow in class.

"You better." I laugh and walk away. I walk up to the guys when I am automatically pulled into a kiss by Jude. I hear everyone's catcalls and I pull away embarrassed.

"Opal agreed to be my girlfriend in case you didn't notice." I scrunch my eyebrows together.

"That was your way of telling them?!" I yell at Jude.

"You bet!"

"You're such an ass."

"And you've got the sass." I scoff and roll my eyes.

"No comment." I take out my phone and see that it's 3:30, I sigh.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it was just a long day. I kinda wanna go home and sleep."

"Aww. Let your boyfriend take you home. Maybe you can cuddle together." Sam says in a teasing voice. I flip him the bird and Asia laughs.

"He was the same to Peter and I. Don't worry about it." I nod.

"Got it." I look over at Jude.

"Go home now?" I nod and he smiles. "Okay. We'll see you guys later." Jude puts his arm around me and we walk to his car. He opens the door for me and I get in. I look out the window and see Art.

He's looking at me with a grin, but not out of happiness. He puts on his helmet and speeds away. I can't help but feel my heart squeeze hard when I saw him drive away like he was trying to get away, then again maybe I was just imagining it...

The driver side door opens and Jude steps in. I smile as he sits down and starts the car. We head home not speaking as usual but this time he's holding my hand. It doesn't feel weird or terrible and it does feel right but I don't feel like it's real...

When Jude and I get home, I go straight to my room, not bothering to change. I roll into my bed and close my eyes trying to make this day disappear from my mind.

"Are you okay Opal?" I open my eyes and smile.

"I'm fine. Like I said it was just a long day." Jude nods but he doesn't look convinced. "Come here." He smiles and lays down beside me. I snuggle against his chest and listen to his heartbeat while he plays with my hair.

"Thanks for saying yes Opal." I smile.

"Of course." I look up at him and he smiles down at me. He kisses me lightly and I kiss back. His kisses are way different than Art's. Jude's were soft and calming, Art's were aggressive and passionate. I know it's wrong to be comparing but it's just coming across my mind unwillingly. Jude kisses me one more time and pulls away.

"Go to sleep now. I'll wake you up in about two hours." I nod and cuddle into his chest again, falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

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