Chapter 12

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Art and I are practicing footwork for our new song, it's still a K-pop song to make everyone, especially Mr. B, laugh. He has one side of my earphones on while I have the other. It's a bit difficult to work around the cord but we're managing. Art and I are totally focused until the fire alarm goes off. I lose my footing and I feel myself falling, pulling Art with me. I was about to brace for impact when I felt myself being flipped and my chest hit something hard. I open my eyes and see Art on the floor in pain below me.

"Art are you okay?" I ask frantically, remembering the condition his back was in earlier today.

"I'm fine. Let's go." I get off of Art and help him up. He groans in pain and when he turns around I see blood seeping through the white shirt. I grab his jacket and pull it over him, he gives me an odd look. "What?"

"You're bleeding." Art sighs and hands me my hoodie.

"Come on." I slide on my jacket and Art grabs my hand, pulling me out of the building, there was smoke in the opposite direction we are running. There was really a fire?! When we get outside, I'm freezing, but I look at Art with concern.

"How's your back?" He looks down at me then back at the building.

"It's fine."

"Everyone get with your instructors now!" I hear the principle yell. I feel Art pull me to the left. I look over and see Mr. B and his wife as well as a majority of the students by Mr. B's truck. He's wrapping up Grace's leg, looks like she scrapped it.

"Anybody else need a first aid kit?"

"May I?" I ask pulling away from Art. Mr. B nods and hands me the kit. I turn back to Art and grab his hand, pulling him away. When we are a few cars away I open the first aid kit. "Take off your shirt."

"I'm fine Opal."

"Art please." He sighs and reluctantly takes off his jacket and shirt. "Turn around." He does as I say and rests his hands on the top of the car. I take the anti-infection spray and spray some on his back when he groans in pain. I stop and reach my left hand over to grab his hand. "You okay?" He nods and I do it again. This time he grips my hand and it does hurt but not as much as this hurts him I bet. After I cover the main areas, I stop spraying and set it down. "Almost done." He nods again and I grab a few gauze pads. I lightly press them against his back and tape them down. When I finish that, I grab something to wrap around him and hold the gauze pads in place. I start from his lower back and make my way up. I run out as I get to the final gauze pad. "Turn around." He does as I say and I stick the end of the wrap to one of the more secure pieces around his shoulder. I rub it to make sure it doesn't come undone. "Is that good or is it too tight?"

"It's fine. Thanks Opal." I nod with a smile and help him put his shirt and jacket back on. "You look cold." He says as he starts to pull off his jacket.

"I'm fine Art. Don't worry about it." I smile and readjust his jacket. "You need it too." Art smiles back at me and when I finish gathering up the first aid kit, Art and I walk back to Mr. B.

"Everything okay? Neither of you were hurt severely were you?" Mr. B asks obviously worried.

"We're fine Mr. B. I fell down the stairs and had a scrape on my back. Opal patched me up just fine." Art responds, taking the first aid kit from me and giving it back to Mr. B.

"Okay. Good. Opal, since you're in a dress, you can get into my truck if you'd like." Mr. B offers.

"No I'm fine. I'll let you know if anything changes though." Mr. B nods and starts talking to the group.

"Are you sure you're okay Opal?" Art asks.

"Yeah I'm good." I was a bit cold but I could deal with it. A breeze goes through the air and I can't help but shiver.

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