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The air inside the arena was crisp, birds flew over the open dome of the stadium. I took a step onto the middle of the star on the 50-yard line. I had been in this stadium before, four times, 2 football games, a concert, and WrestleMania 32.
Now, here we were, WrestleMania 42, 10 years from then, standing on the field where me, and my best friend Rachelle would be performing later.
It’s sort of surreal if you ask me. Just 10 years ago I was up top, standing room only watching my heroes, do what they do best. It was halfway through the show that WWE Hall Of Famer, Lita stood in the middle of the ring with the new, women’s championship, stating that not long ago, she was where I was then, just a fan in the crowd at the time, but that she knew right then and there that this is what she wanted to do for the rest of her life.
10 years ago my life changed forever.
Rachelle’s story is a little different. She got into wrestling by watching total bellas, and shortly after, becoming friends with me. At first, she supported me on wanting to be a wrestler, but it wasn’t until we had started living together and studying wrestling constantly that she told me she wanted to be my tag team partner. I was ecstatic! I mean who wouldn’t be? My best friend as my tag team partner? Sign me up!
Some of our inspirations are the Bella Twins, Lita and Trish, The Riott Squad, The Four Horsewomen, and many MANY others. We hope to make them proud one day.
“Are you already our here reminiscing?” Rachelle asks as she meets me in the middle of the field.
“Absolutely.” I say with a smile and she looks around the arena. “We made it Rachelle. We’re here.” I say and tears start to well in my eyes.
“I know. We did it.” She says, crying along with me.
“Hey, Hey, Hey, what’s with all the crying?” We turn around and see none other than one of our closest friends, Becky Lynch.
“Just soaking it all in Beks.” I say and she smiles.
“You ladies are going to kill it. I’d say blow the roof off, but I believe the dome will be open.” She says with a laugh and we join her.
“Thank you, Becky, and thanks for being here tonight, It means a lot to us.” Rachelle tells her.
“We wouldn’t miss it for the world.” She says.
“We?” I question and she smiles and nods her head. “Come on out Sasha!” She yells and Sasha Banks makes her way on to the field and gives me a big hug.
“I’m so proud of you Two.” She says and pulls me and Rachelle in for a group hug. “Charlotte and Bayley are running late but they are here too. “Becky says, twisting the lid on her water bottle.
“Are you ladies ready?” They ask and we nod our heads.
“Just a little nervous.” I say and they smile and nod their heads.
“Don’t worry, you were born to do this.” Sasha tells us before her and Becky walk off, leaving me, and Rachelle to collect our thoughts, and get ready for one of the most important nights of our lives.
WrestleMania 42.
The nerves were here, and I was trying my best to compose myself. Austin Theory had made his way over to Rachelle, giving her a pep talk and possibly some other things I most likely didn’t want to know but was sure she would tell me about later. Then, that’s when the Tribal Chief himself, walked into the room and scanned it before laying his eyes on me.
He makes his way over to me and smiles. “You ready?” He asks me and I nod. “You got this girl.” He whispers before kissing my forehead. He leans back, throwing the universal title over his shoulder again. He places one arm beside my head and his eyes look directly at me. “You okay?” He asks, worried that I hadn’t said anything.
I clear my throat and nod. “Yeah, I’m good.”
“You still have a few minutes?” He asked and I nodded again and then he took my hand and lead me into his locker room.
“What’s up?” I ask him and he sets his title down, then turns to look at me.
“The divorce is finalized.” He says and looks at me, waiting for a response.
“W-what?” I stutter and he smiles, walking over to me. He runs a hand through his hair and walks up to me.
“You heard me. I’m now divorced.” He says, placing both hands on each side of my head. My heart was beating fast.
“Really?” I managed to squeak out. He eyes me up and down and nods. He slowly leans in and presses his lips to mine. Something I had waited so long for. He pulls away and closes his eyes again and sighs.
“You have no idea how long I have waited to do that.” He says in a whisper, his forehead on mine and then he smiles. “I love you, Marlana.”
He says and backs away from me, taking my hands in his. “Was that too soon? If so, I’m sorry. I just had to do it. I’m sorry.” He says and I bring his face back down to kiss me again. I pull away and smile. “I love you, Roman.” I say and he smiles back then wraps his arms around me in a hug.
“I got to go but I’ll see you later?” I ask him and he nods with a big smile plastered on his face.
I turn to leave but he calls out my name, so I turn back around, and he slams the door shut and kisses me again. “Good luck baby.” He says, pulling away and, opening the door for me again.
I shut the door and meet up with Rachelle at the Gorilla. “You look happy.” She says and I nod.
“I’ll tell you after the match.” I whisper and she nods.
“Let’s do this.”
Our WrestleMania Moment
Best Friends. Bitter Rivals. On the grandest stage of them all.
The crowd was loud as we stood across from each other in the ring. We had one of the hottest feuds going on in the company right now and everyone was just waiting for us to rip each other apart.
The bell rings and off we go. A 60 Minute Iron-Woman match, and we were in it. Sasha & Bayley are front frow watching as we lock up.
It was about 30 minutes in and I had made Rachelle tap once and she had pinned me once. Tied, with 30 minutes to go.
Rachelle & I go crashing through the table, and we take a moment to breathe. “You good Marlana?” She asks me and I nod.
“I’m good.”
I sit up on my knees and grab her by the hair pulling us to stand, “Rachelle, are you ready to do the head scissor take down off the tope rope?” I ask her and she nods in agreement, so we roll back into the ring and trade punches and forearms, the crowd on their feet as we beat the hell out of each other.
“Irish whip into turnbuckle.” I tell her and she grabs my arm and follows my instructions.
“Mar, you’re busted open, are you sure about this?” She asks me and I nod.
We make our way to the top and the crowd stands up. “Thank you, Marlana” She whispers before performing the head scissor take down and I land on a pile of chairs.
Rachelle quickly makes her way to make a pin and she gets it.
“Rachelle Morgan has scored her second fall of the match.” Says the announcer.
She gets out of the ring to “search for something” while I try to regain my strength. I glance up at the clock, 15 minutes remaining.
I slowly make my way back to my feet and glance around the arena, then to front row where, Becky, Bayley, Charlotte, and Sasha stood. It was then that I realized both Roman, and Austin had joined them.
Rachelle looks at me from the outside. “Why won’t you stay down?!” She yells.
“I always get back up.” I say and slide out of the ring and grab a kendo stick.
“No Marlana, please. I’m sorry!” She says in her heelish demeanor. I smile and take the kendo stick and hitting it across her leg and she limps away, and we make it into the ring again. I throw the kendo stick away and look up at the sky, anticipating my next move. I look to Sasha and smile before I give Rachelle a backstabber into a cross-face.
Sasha smiles at me as I yell “tap!” and she does, leaving us tied again, with 5 minutes left.  
We lock up again and we stick to basic, down-to-the-mat, wrestling. Rachelle brings me up to the top turnbuckle, giving me blows to the head with her punches.
I pick her up to do Rhea’s riptide. From the top rope. We both come crashing down, and I hook the leg to get the winning pin.
As soon as his hand goes down, the times buzzes. Leaving us tied, 2-2.
“This match is a draw.” The announcer states and the crowd is upset, they want a winner.
Triple H, and Stephanie McMahon walk out and the crowd cheers. “This match has entered sudden death. One fall to the finish. Good luck ladies.” They tell us and the crowd jumps in excitement and Rachelle hits me in the back with a chair as soon as the bell rings again.
She quickly goes for a cover, but I kick out. “Stay down!” She yells as I get up, hitting her with a forearm.
“No!” I yell and she hits me back. I stumble back and she hits me with a superkick and, again quickly covers me, but I still kick out at 2.
I kip up and give her a flying forearm taking her down. I look over to the crowd and see Roman smiling at me. He notices and smiles harder and I give him a wink. He looks at me curiously as I back myself into the turnbuckle and squat down. “Get up Rachelle!” I yell and she turns around and I run straight towards her and give her a spear. I go for the cover and she doesn’t kick out.
“Here is your winner! Marlana Nicole!” I fall to my knees as the crowd yells and confetti drops. I look up to see the fireworks light up the stadium.
I walk over to the front row and give a hug to each one of them, I hesitate when I stop at Roman, but he pulls me over the barricade and gives me a kiss in front of the whole world. “I’m so fucking proud of you.” He says in my ear as I’m pressed to his chest, blocking out most of the noise.
I make my way backstage and wait for Rachelle to come back too. She enters the backstage area and finds me quickly, giving me a hug. “Dude we fucking killed it!” She yells and hugs me again. “I’m going to find Austin so we can all go celebrate!” she yells and runs off.
I laugh at my crazy best friend and walk off to my locker room and set down in the chair and take a deep breath. “We did it.” I whisper to myself.
“Yes, you did. “I look up to meet Roman’s eyes. He stands up and opens his arms. I smile and stand up, walking into them. “I’m so proud of you.” He says and kisses my forehead.
“Thank you.” I say and pull away and he pushes my hair behind my ears.
“Where do you want to go to celebrate?” He asks and sits down.
“I’m not sure, Rachelle said that her, and Austin would be joining us so I guess we should go find them.” I say, packing up my bag. He comes up behind me and hugs me from behind. “I’m sweaty. I’m sorry.” I say with a light laugh.
“Mhm, I don’t mind.” He whispers in my ear.
“Knock knock!” Rachelle yells coming in with Austin, making Roman back away. “Oh, hello Roman.” She says and looks between us.
“Um, where did y’all want to go?” I ask her, and Austin.  
“Let the girls decide. It was their big day.” Austin says and Roman nods.
“Well, we are going to shower so we will meet y’all in a minute. “ Rachelle says and they leave the room.
She turns to me, “So?” She asks me.
“The divorce is finalized.” I say and her jaw drops.
“Fucking finally!” She yells.
“He told me before the match, and we kissed.” I say, feeling the heat go to my cheeks.
“Well, you just have a lot to celebrate tonight.” She says with a wink.
“Oh, and I’m sure you and Austin have your own plans?” I question and she smiles widely. “Well let’s hit these showers so that we can go celebrate.”
“All night long baby!” She yells and laughs.

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