Chapter 1

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'You are an absolute A-hole and the worst part is you know' I looked in my friend's eyes when I said it. She laughed at me and said; 'Have you been looking at yourself again this morning.' I laughed with her. 'So what do you think about all of this?' I asked.

'It's not what I think but what my parents said is the best for me and the pack Skylar.' She looked at the ground with a sad face. I kept looking at her. I know what it feels like, Losing someone. She is not blood-related but she is the closest thing I have to a family. It didn't feel like losing a close friend but a family. I knew everything about her and her parents trait me like family.

'Melanie, I love you' I breathed out with pain going through my heart.

I kept looking at her. Her head shot up and she looked into my eyes. I turned to look at her and she hugged me as her life depended on it. Memories went through my head happy ones and sad ones. I cherish every bit of the memories I have been giving. Sad or happy they belong to my life and made me who I am today. And it sounds really cliché but it's true. You don't learn from the happy memories but from the sad ones.

'Never thought I would say this, but Love you too.' She said.

Being best friends for 5 years really changed me. After I lost my family I moved here with the closest relative I have left; My uncle and aunt from my dad's side of the family. I never really knew them only saw them on Christmas. We never really came to this side of the country 'Too dangerous' my dad always said. But my aunt and uncle loved me and I became to love them just as much. It's hard losing people so close to you. They fed you, brought you on earth but not all stories have happy endings. And after these years I came to think of it as a way of comfort. My aunt and uncle don't have children because my aunt can't get them after being in an accident many years ago. They never had children before the accident. It's really sad, come to think of it. I didn't realize I was dozing off when Melanie took my hands in hers.

  'We are adults you know, you can always visit me. You girl are my best friend and family after all. Everyone loves you and you know about us.' She awkwardly laughed.

'Uhhh yeah, I can smell you from a mile away.' I laughed back. Only 2 days until she was going I thought to myself and that is 2 days too soon.

'Oke this is my stop, I love you and we will call tonight.' Melanie blows a kiss at me and I pretend to catch it and throw it away.
She got out of my car and walked to her doorstep.

'See you soon' I yelled at her and I drove off to my home. Never thought this would be the last time I would see her....alive.

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