Chapter 2

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It's 2 days later. Yeahh time really flies when you are having fun. I looked in the mirror. I can visit her on vacation right? That's only a few months away. I glanced at one last look and went downstairs. I choose today was the day for jeans and a plain white t-shirt. I am not really a fashion icon. Yeah, you caught right through me that's my everyday outfit. Really easy with organizing your closed. 

'Good morning my lovely and amazing parents.' They looked up at me.

'Well, looks like you need your pills, young lady.' My uncle/ dad said.
As my mother/ aunt laughed she scooped some pancakes on my plate.
'Honey, we know you are a big girl and all.'

'Can I add I am no longer a little girl I am almost 19 you know?' I looked at them.

'But we still love you and if you need a shoulder to cry on. We are here for you. We know she is your best friend and it is always hard to lose someone close.' Could have fooled me I thought to myself.

'I know don't worry it is going to be okay.' I looked up at them and awkwardly laughed at them. They just nodded and went back to baking pancakes and reading the newspaper.
I ate the rest of my pancakes and grabbed my bag and car keys.

'See you, I will be back before dinner.'

 'It's okay sweaty bye.' They said in unison. I am very lucky to have them. I took a last glance at them and opened the front door. I pushed the button on my keys and heard a click.

I looked at my phone. Shit, I am going to be late!!! I rushed in the car and headed to Melanie's house. She is no ordinary girl. But you already knew that. She belongs in a pack. A pack is a group of werewolves and that is really cool. Especially when you get on there back. They are fast and strong. Her pack has to move to another territory because it is no longer safe for them here. Her pack the Red Night pack is a small pack that consists of only 30 werewolves. Melanie told me stories about other packs and that they are a small one. But there are big ones that have 300 werewolves!! Man, when I heard that I was freaking out. She told me all about rogues, pack members, and rankings within a pack. You could understand I was flabbergasted. Every day she told me stories about werewolves and every day I listened in admiration to her. I wanted to be a werewolf. But even good things have their bad sides.

The threats came in 2 months ago. Rogues wanted to kill the entire pack if they did not leave. They wanted the pack lands of the Red Night pack. They promised not to hurt humans if they left peacefully. But at thirst, it sounded like a bad joke so Melanie's dad did nothing until the first pack members went missing and later were found dead. So, that's why her father Alpha Daniel decided to move to a different state even!

I watched the trees become closer. This place was peaceful. I drove and could see the pack buildings coming into my view. Wait, was that a scream? I turned down my radio. But heard it again. I heard a pain-killing sound. As if....... Yeah, that definitely was? What is happening? I began to drive faster to the buildings, the adrenaline kicking in. I drove into the driveway of the packhouse when...OMG, it was horrendous!

Bodies everywhere mixed with blood. The smell of blood penetrating my nostrils. I looked closer and stepped out of my car and then I saw it. NO NO NO I ran to Melanie. She was laying on the floor. Many thoughts went through my head. Do I call an ambulance, what happened and what is going to happen?

'Melanie, Melanie' I screamed while running to her. I stopped and kneeled next to her. She had blood everywhere and markings covering her body and face. She was looking at me. But her eyes were long gone. 'Melanie hey Melanie?' I looked around again. Tears coming I could feel them coming. I looked and saw her father and mother on the ground also mainly scarred on their bodies and face.

'Skylar' I heard a fainted yell. It was coming from her father Daniel. I ran to him and kneeling next to him. He had the same markings and blood everywhere.

'They came......, Skylar you have to go now.' Melanie's father breathed. 'But I can't.' I looked him in the eyes. The water work was open. Tears dripping down onto his face.

'Skylar you have to leave or they will come back. I don't want you to get hurt.' I looked at him. I felt angry, helpless, and sad.

'Who did this!' I sadly said. My vision went blurry from all the tears.
'Bastiaaaa........n' Is all that came out before his last breath was exhaled. Bastian, a name I will not easily forget. Alpha Daniel's words ringing through my though. I looked at Melanie and mouthed and I love you. I took one last glance at Melanie my eyes never leaving her as I got into my car. The people I once knew. The people I once trusted.

My Family.

I saw red, tears streaming down my face and my vision still blurring from the tears. I took one last glance at everybody my eyes landed on Melanie again. I watched her as I drove off. Not knowing what to do and if my life was worth living.

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