Chapter 9

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A few days later
After the incident at the mall, Nate invited Stephan and Becky to come over as a thank you for helping them. I looked forward to it for days now.
I haven't seen them in a month now and was really missing them. Nate called and they will be here in a few hours.

Everyone was helping out. The pack house was a whole other house it looked like a castle now. They had spared no expense for the visit. Nate was coördinating everyone from his place at the kitchen table. I didn't know he was into decorating. But to be fair he was good at it.

Nate and I were really good we did everything together. He was in his office a lot of working out at training with the others. He also wanted me to be with him 24/7 by his side. So I also trained side by side with Nate and the rest of the guys. It's funny seeing their looks when I won from every one of them. I was stronger than I looked. In human form then. In wolf form is was a different story. They were stronger than me.

I looked at the clock I had to get dressed. I walked over to Nate to tell him I was going upstairs together with Jennifer.

'Hey handsome, I will be going upstairs to get dressed together with Jen.' I looked innocently at him. He moved closer to me.

'Of course' He said. His hands traveled around my waist kissing my forehead lightly. I hugged him tightly, kissed him on the cheek, and went my way upstairs.

'Jen, you coming?' I yelled at her. I expanded my hand to her.
She turned and took my hand and we went upstairs.

'Your excited I can tell.' Jen begin. 'Yeah, what gave it away.' I smiled at her.
'They are my family you know.' She looked at the ground. It seems she was upset by me mentioning family.

'We are also your family?' She asked shyly. 'Of course, you are too. But they helped me through stuff that was hard to deal with. Especially Stephan he is like a brother I never had.' I shyly said to her. Stephan was my brother. Not blood related but after Melanie, he was the one helping me with everything he was by my side for the good and bad for these couple of years. I looked down at my hands.

'Sorry, I just...' Jennifer said. 'Nothing to be sorry about. Let's go.' Hand in hand we went to my and Nate's room. We already had our outfit's on the bed ready to be worn.
I looked at the difference between our styles. Jennifer had a white cocktail dress that was tight around the body very fitting. My outfit consists of a black jean with a white shirt which I tucked into my pants. I wore a light pink blazer with a dark pink stripe to fancy my outfit up. I wasn't a dress kinda girl and won't change. It was just a dinner with a friend no biggie.

'Wow, Jen you look amazing. Damn you really think Collin will let you out in public like that.' She blushed at the comment. 'I hope so.' She winked at me. 'Maybe I will be getting some tonight.'

'Ohh please PG 13 girl.' I said with disgust written on my face. 'You guys will get there.' She said overly confident.

'Maybe, I am not new to all of this but I am not ready for a relationship or being a luna.' I said looked at her and then at the ground sitting on the edge of the bed. She sat next to me.

'You are more than ready. You may be not officially be introduced but everyone respects you. Because we as a pack know when a luna is fit or not. We know when someone makes us stronger.' She said looking my way I avoided my eyes. Leaning into her and crying softly.

'Thank you.' I said truthfully looking her finally in the eyes. I hugged her.

' No problem, your my girl. You won't get rid of me that fast. I smiled at her. Jen looked out of it. Somebody is mind linking her. 'They are here.' I jumped up and raced downstairs. I opened the door so fast it made a loud noise. So loud that you could hear it from the other side of the house.
I could see Stephan getting out of the car and smiling in my direction.

'Waffles!!' I yelled at the top of my lungs.

Nate's POV

I heard a very loud bang coming from the front door. I run to the door only to see My beautiful mate running into the arms of Alpha Stephan and calling him Waffles. Alpha Stephan was smiling from ear to ear. I began to feel really jealous. I wanted to hug her. The last couple of days were amazing. We were together 24/7. I loved it I hugged her and kissed her whenever I wanted to. Also, I could keep an eye out for her. Next to me, nothing could happen. Right?

Alpha Stephan walked up to me with his mate Becky and Sky next to her.
'It's good to see you again my friend.' He smiled and gave me a handshake followed by a man hug. You know guys don't do real hugs. I looked at him. Skylar came standing next to me and had her arms around my waist.

'He, please keep your filthy arms of my mate.' She said and then laughed at Alpha Stephan. He laughed with her and gave a smile. 'Wait are you mate?' He said. I think he really likes to get on Sky's nerves too. 'Waffles don't start.' She said. I laughed really loudly. 'Waffles' I yelled laughed at the alpha. He just gave me a smile.

'Sorry bro, when you have a nickname I will get you. Mark my words.' He said to me. Yeah, when will she give me a nickname? I didn't receive one yet I questions. Sky looked up to me.

'Don't worry the nickname will come in time. When you don't expect it that's when I will strike back.' We just laughed all together and went our way toward the backyard of the packhouse.

I was happy with my work. Everyone enjoyed the party and a few pack wolves of the Silver Moon pack as well. I was at a table with Collin, Dan, and Stephan and his beta and third in command. We looked at our mates dancing in the crowd when we drank some beer. It was the thought that counted. Our bodies are too hot so we burn the alcohol fast. We don't get drunk but I couldn't say that for my mate. Sky was dancing and dancing as if her life depended on it. It was cute seeing her so drunk. She was blushing slightly. Also every time she glanced my way she had a seduced look in her eyes. Damn, she was hot. She was not like any normal girl. She had jeans on and a blazer when the rest of the girls and women had a dress on. But she was ever so beautiful and hot at the same time.

At the dinner table, she had a few glasses of wine and now she was dancing with a cocktail in her hands together with the other girls.

'Uh hmmm Nate?' Alpha Stephan turned to look at me. 'Yeah, what's up?' I glanced from sky to alpha Stephan.

'How much did Skylar had?' I was confused. 'Alpha Nate how much did Skylar drink. She looks really wasted already?' Jack his beta said and the one that helped Skylar carrying me when I was rescued from that place.

'I don't know. I didn't count. Do I have to do that?' I asked. What was the problem? Stephan and Jack looked at each other and Jackson there third in command and Collin joined us by hearing this. 'What is wrong? Tell me? I said to them.

'She will...' And at that point, they ran past me. What the hell was that. I looked in their direction. I was shocked. I saw alpha Stephan hugging Skylar told her everything will be okay. Jack joining them. 'It's okay Alpha. She gets that way when she drinks too much. She gets too emotional and the last time she drank too much she almost killed herself by shooting herself in the head.' I was shocked, what! I couldn't get my head around it. Seconds ago she was fine laughing seducing me and now she was too emotional to handle? she didn't seem like it. I was then that I thought to myself. I don't even know my own mate.

Alpha Stephan approached the table. Hugging Sky and telling her everything will be okay.
'Go to mate. That alpha is hugging was is ours' My wolf said. I growled lightly making alpha Stephan lookup.

'It's okay Nate I will never do anything so her she is like a little sister to me.' He told me. ' She is our little sister.' Jack said in unison with Jackson.

'But how and why. I can't do this anymore.' Skylar cried in the shirt of alpha Stephan.
My heart broke seeing her cry. I have never seen her cry. She was the strongest woman I have ever seen. I didn't know what to do. So I just hugged her and told her everything will be okay. She just mumbled things that were beyond recognizable. I just wanted her to stop I wanted to take her pain away.

I picked her up and said my goodbyes. I laid Sky on the bed looking at her. She was sleeping my heartbeat calmed her down. Alpha Stephan and the guys came in saying their goodbyes to Sky who was sleeping deeply by now. My eyes were glued to Sky. I just want to know. I was so in though that I didn't realize alpha Stephan was next to me.

'Take care of her for us. She has been through a lot.' Alpha Stephan said laying a hand on my shoulder. ' What happened to her?' I said worried sick to my stomach. I wanted to take her pain away whatever it was. 'That's for her to tell you.' He said and then left the room.

AlphaStephan and his pack went on their way shortly after. I never left the room and just laid next to her my mate. My past, present, and future. I kissed her lightly on her forehead and went to sleep.

Skylar's POV

2 day later
Prison is one way of saying it. I could not even walk outside or I was stopped by pack warriors.
I think what happened at the party must have triggered Nate. He was not very talkative these past few days and no one said anything. I was wasted and I couldn't remember a thing. Jennifer was with Collin so she didn't tell me a thing. But I think after the incident at the mall Nate was worried too. So maybe it was just that?

He literally checked on me every 45 minutes. He was in his office at the moment very busy and I had nothing to do. Nothing. So, I was stuck. I began to feel nauseous all of the sudden. This felt weird? But it went as it came. Nate decided to postpone the luna ceremony until I was ready for it. Which I didn't mind at all. I walked towards Nate's office. We were good very good even. I loved his touch hugging, kissing, cuddling in bed I began to love his touch and wanting it more and more. He always said he loved me and will protect me. He said he failed me by not being there for me when I needed him the most. Who said I needed him? But not complaining I loved to be taken care of. First I hated it but after a few days, you get used to it. I opened the door to Nate's office a barged in.

''Did you know that this house is made of 200.000 bricks?'' I looked up at him bored out of my mind.
''Well, well look at what adorable creatures walking in.'' He smiled.

''three words: I am Bored,'' I said to him. Looking him dead in the eyes. ''I can see.'' He sarcastically said.

''I am serious. YOU are here all the time. The last few days I was sleeping alone every time when I closed or opened my eyes you were gone?''

''I am sorry Sky. I have been occupied.'' He looked at a note in front of him. Hiding it slightly. I came to his desk snatching the paper. I read 1 word, Bastian. He threatened the pack. My mood went down but I had to keep the act up. I just listened to what Nate had to say.

''Now you know. I have been captured by him. I don't want any pack member going through the same thing as I did.'' He said in a sad voice.

''We will protect the pack together.'' I walked around the desk to him and kissed his temple. His eyes sparked a little.

''Thank you for being the way you are.'' He suddenly said. He had a worried look.
''Your welcome,'' I said smiling at him. That guy will be the death of me.

I wanted to walk away when he grabbed my wrist and I fell into his lap. ''Stay please.'' He said with hopeful eyes. I just did what he asked. I stayed in his lap with my eyes closed. Staying silent hearing him type. It soothes me it comforts me. I think I slept because when my eyes darted open an arm was wrapped around my waist and I lying in bed? I turned and saw Nate sleeping next to me in a deep sleep snoring lightly. I loved that guy. I did not want to tell him but I wanted him. I was afraid of what he would think. But he loved me so there would not be any problem, right? But can I let her behind me? I didn't think and just enjoyed the moment.

I kissed his lips and fell back into a peaceful sleep. 

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