Fake Love 8

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Fake Love 8

Flashback :

The dress felt heavy and loaded with sequins.. Suzy regretted wear it for her first prom night..
She looked stupid..outdated with fashion.
Her makeup also terrible..she looked like a clown with three inches makeup stuck on her face.

The shopkeeper said..the dress suit her very well..even though it a little too steep for her.
The saloon lady said that her face looks like a doll with the makeup on... Annabelle maybe..

Everyone keep giggling and staring at her when  she get inside the hall.

She's trying to look for Eunwoo..her mate.
Unfortunately..the guy were nowhere.

Seolhyun..the girl who other said as Eunwoo girlfriend..glaring at her with mocking smile.
She looked stunning as always.

Suzy feel awkward and looked like introverted..
She lives in her own world..alone..

She moved to the corner of the hall..away from the crowded.
Tears dripping from her eyes..
Tears of regretting...

"bored right.. "
Joshua approaching and giving a handkerchief..to wipe out her tears away.
Suzy grab it without looks at the guy face.

"excuse me. I've to go to washroom.. "
she excuse herself..feeling embarrass..and left the guy stood alone..watching her walk away.

She locked herself in one of the cubicle..still tearing up..

Suddenly, someone came in..

She trying to stay quite..ignoring their presence.

The weird thing is..they locked the main door of the washroom.
Does the people trying to make love here?

"tell me.. Why did you persecuted the girl? What did she do to you? "
The guy voice sounds familiar..

"did you fall for her? Don't try to provoke me Eunwoo.. You will regret if you do.. "
The girl threatening him..

"Seolhyun..she just someone that I used to make all my assignments. Why should I fall for someone like her? Didn't you look how she dress up?"
He insulted Suzy's without notice that the girl was in there..listening to their conversation.

Suzy's felt heartbroken..
She closed her mouth with her palm..avoid from making any sounds.
Her tears wouldn't stop..

"whatever! I will take away all my belongings if you betrayed to me.  Your car.. Condo and I will cut down your credit card as well. Remember that! "
She warn him before left the room.

"Shit! "
He kicked the dustbin near the sink..
All the rubbish in the bin overflowed.
"Shit! "
He keep cursing when his  ends of the pants covered with dirt.

Later.. He get out from the place and Suzy feel relieved.
She wipes out her tears and pull out.
She had to go back home. That place is not meant for her.
She felt betrayed...

She walk out from the hall and call a cab.
She didn't eagerly stay in there.

A black sport car suddenly stopped in front of her and the driver slide down his mirror..

"Get in.. I'll send you home "
He urge in serious tone without looking at her face.

She trying to ignoring him and walk a little bit further..away from the car.

The driver step out and pull her with force.
"I trying to be nice to you and I'm also not in a mood. "

She had no choice but to follow involuntary.
However..they didn't notice that Seolhyun saw them and smirking in hate face.

Eunwoo drive away and didn't utter any words.
They stay silent until they reached a club.

Suzy's looks unpleasant.
The guy said that he would send her home but somehow..they stuck in other place.

"I feel dreadful. Please..Could you accompany me..just for a few sip.. "
He requested...seems desperate.

Suzy still hurts but her soft heart make her follow the guy wish.

And the end..both of them who broken inside..drunk together..before she last in the guys bedroom..didn't realize what they are doing.


Suzy feel dizzy and nauseous.
Deep inside..she knows that something is wrong with her...but she trying to denying it.

After that night.. Eunwoo abstaining from Suzy.
He said that she was his big mistake and shouldn't have any relationship with her.
He hate Suzy's so much and wish that he will never see her again.

The guy really broke her heart!

Last thing that she knows..he broke up with Seolhyun and extended his study for few semester.
Seolhyun took away all his things..car, condo and even his credit card away...makes him disgrace and vanishes.

Suzy's have intention to abort the fetus..because Eunwoo hurt her so much.
But..somehow..the child also part of her.

God had reason to give the child to her..and she had to bless and took care of the life inside her...

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