Hook Man [5]

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Dean, Sam, and Phoenix parked the Impala outside the St. Barnabas Church.

"Alright, we can't take any chances. Anything silver goes in the fire," Dean explained.

"Lori's still at the hospital." Phoenix said "We'll have to break in,"

"Alright, take your pick,"

"I'll take the house," Sam said.


Sam began walking towards Reverand Sorensen's house.

"Hey," Phoenix called out.

Sam turned around.

"Stay out of her underwear drawer," Phoenix teased.


Dean and Phoenix were throwing everything silver into the fire in the basement of the church when Sam came downstairs with a bag of things from Lori's house.

"I got everything that even looked silver," Sam claimed.

"Better safe than sorry," Phoenix said.

They threw everything into the fire.

Suddenly, they heard footsteps above them.

"Move, move," Dean said as he took his gun.

Phoenix stopped him "I've got this,"

"Phoe..." Sam started.

"Sam, trust me. I've got this," Phoenix headed upstairs and saw that Lori was sitting in a pew alone, crying. "Lori?"

"What are you doing here?" Lori asked.

"What is it?" Phoenix asked as she placed a reassuring hand on Lori's.

"I've been trying to understand what's been happening. Why?" Lori faced the front of the church. "Now I know so I'm praying for forgiveness,"

"Forgiveness for what?"

"Don't you see? I'm to blame for all this. I've read in the Bible about avenging angels,"

Phoenix shook her head "Trust me, this guy-he's no angel,"

"I was so angry with my father. Part of me wanted him punished. And then he came and he punished him,"

"It's not your fault,"

"Yes, it is. I don't know how, but it is,"

In the back of the church, the Hook Man appeared for a moment then disappeared quickly.

"I killed Rich. Taylor, too. I nearly killed my father,"


"I can see it now. They didn't deserve to be punished. I do,"

The candles at the altar blew out, causing Phoenix to stand up.

"Come on. We gotta go," Phoenix led Lori away and opened the door to the basement.

But the Hook Man was behind the door and pushed it with his hook through the door.


Phoenix and Lori ran down the aisle and into a back room.

The Hook Man followed them and smashed the glass of another door with his hook. He swung at Phoenix a few times but missed. The Hook Man chased the two of them around the room and finally hooked Phoenix in the shoulder.

Phoenix screamed in pain and an invisible force dragged Lori on her bag across the floor.

Dean suddenly entered with his gun raised. "Phoe, drop!"

Phoenix crouched down and Dean shot the Hook Man once.

The Hook Man disappeared into dust.

"I thought we got all the silver," Sam exclaimed as he looked over Phoenix's wound.

"So did I," Dean said as he looked around for Hook Man's reemergence.

"Then why is he still here?"

"Well, maybe we missed something!"

Phoenix looked over and noticed a cross necklace that Lori was wearing "Lori, where did you get that chain?"

"My father gave it to me," Lori admitted.

"Where'd your dad get it?"

"He said it was a church heirloom, he gave it to me when I started school,"

"Is it silver?!" Dean demanded.


Dean ripped the chain off from Lori's neck.

In the hallway, the Hook Man, who was now invisible, was making a long scratch on the wall.

Phoenix turned around to look at it. "Go," she told Dean.

"Phoe, you're hurt," Dean said.

Phoenix balled her fists, a white light already taking over. "Go," she repeated.

Dean threw Sam the rifle and the rock salt before running back downstairs.

Sam aimed the gun at the scratch that was being made and fired. He quickly reloaded the gun with rock salt.

The Hook Man appeared and knocked the rifle out of Sam's hand.

Phoenix moved in front of Sam and Lori as they moved into the corner. She held her hand up as the Hook Man held his hook in the air.

As the bright light overcame the room, the hook melted and the rest of the Hook Man's body burned into nothing.

Seeing the threat was gone, Phoenix fell to the ground, Sam quick to catch his friend.

"I've got ya," Sam told her. "I've got ya,"


Sheriffs were walking around outside the church, an ambulance parked outside.

"And you saw him, too?" A Sheriff asked Dean and Sam "The man with the hook?"

"Yes, I told you, we all saw him. We fought him off and then he ran," Dean explained.

"And that's all?"

"Yeah, that's all," Sam nodded.

"Listen. You, your brother, and girlfriend..."

"Oh, don't worry, we're leaving town," Dean said as they walked over to the Impala. 

Lori watched Phoenix finish getting bandaged up. "You gonna be okay?"

"Yeah," Phoenix grunted.

"I still don't know what happened," Lori said as she sat next to Phoenix. "But I do know you saved my life. My father's, too. Thank you,"

Phoenix nodded and smiled as she got up and walked over to the Impala and got in. She looked at Dean "What disappointed there was no girl on girl action?"

"Shut up," Dean said as he started the engine and they drove off.

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