🖤Still fighting?💜

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Smiled? I felt... happy? Like genuine? Smile? No.... I did!
I really did! I felt something! I blushed! I smiled!
"Hey ouma-kun!"
Shuichi had picked up the phone.
"Saihara-chan!" I exclaimed... this time my smile... it wasn't forced.. it wasn't fake! I was happy.
Just happy talking to shuichi nothing else just chatting and i was happy

|| Shuichi's POV ||

Kokichi and i talked for hours just catching up and over all enjoying each other's company. I honestly don't know why i havent ever talking to I him he makes me feel calm and happy. Its nice to have a new friend. Clean slate no drama,,,, thats the oposite of kaede and i relationship at the moment so since i could've done or thought dumb things i needed a distraction. I dont wanna start scratching my wrist again.
Kokichi was really nice! And from what i could tell he hadn't lied to me. Well execpt for small white lies but he would call himself our immediately after and i would just chuckle.

After like 4-5 hrs of talking? Damn that was a long time.....anyway it was 9:30 and since for once i feel in a good mood towards the end of the day i decided to try sleep early "hey Ouma-kun its kinda late now and for once i feel tired. I'm gonna try sleep early tonight" "Mhm! I feel tired for once too! Ill see you at school Good night Saihara-chan" "Good night ouma-kun" i smiled at my phone and hung up.

I placed my phone at my bed side table and drifted off to sleep..

" Your aspirations to shreds! Another Cog in the murder machine~ They said that Teenagers scare the living sh-"

"Ugh" i turn off my alarm and stand up.

Today since I'm in the mood for it now i wore a oversized black and white striped long sleeve underneath a MCR shirt and black ripped jeans.

My uncle drove me to school today so on the way we had the dreaded small talk .

"So shuichi how are things with kaede?" Ugh this was the question and topic i least wanted to discuss "they are .....fine?" I responded uninterested "you dont seem sure. Something happen?" I rolled my eyes and sighed 'he's not gonna drop it' "well we had a fight." "A fight? About what?" He continued to pry "something about work again" i responded annoyed "well maybe you should-" "woops would you look at that we are here thanks for the ride uncle ill see you at home" my uncle sighed and waved me off as i got out the car 'geez intrusive much?'
I walked towards the front courtyard and spotted kokichi infront of the same tree as always. Since I had a stressful morning and entire day yesterday i decided i wanted ti talk to kokichi before i have to start another drama filled day. Like i said he makes me calm. Clean slate no drama!
I walked up to kokichi who was staring at his sketchbook with a blank and pained stare "Morning Ouma-kun......hey whats wrong?" He looked like he was on the verge of tears and had a few minor cuts on his face. As soon as he heard my voice he jumped and put his hands up in defence "o-oh saihara-chan! M-morning" he oviously been crying and was faking a smile, i sighed and sat next to him "drop the act im not gonna hate the real you if that's what your thinking" i smiled at him and he looked at me with glossy eyes and a shocked but sad look "i-I'm sorry, ill stop just for you k? Only because you're my favourite!" He giggled slightly and i smiled "good! Now what happened?" I reached out to check his cuts but he flinched at the touch of another person 'jumpy?' I sighed again and took out some bandaids from my bag "I'm gonna put some of these on your face ok?" I warned him and he nodded. He had a total of 4 cuts two on his right cheek, one on his forehead and one on his nose. "So. What happened?" I asked looking at the falling cherry blossom petals. "I'd rather not talk about it right now" he gave off a dead expression once again but quickly laughed 'its gonna take some time i guess' "alright, you dont have to tell me. How bout we talk about something else?" I sujested "ok! Hey.... what happened between you and piano freak?" He asked in a sudden change of mood, his eyes were a little less broken so that was good "oh that. Ugh" i groaned and chuckled "something about not paying her enough attention bla bla i work too much bla bla, I'm too quiet bla bla bla" i responded jokingly, kokichi giggled and this time it seemed genuine "sorry saihara-chan! Having a girlfriend seems draining" he replied in a pouted face "it can be but she's great...she's kind and funny" i smiled. Kokichi's eyes seem to have lost their spark once again and he stared at the front gate "speak of the devil! Your girlfriend is here" he nudged me and gave a side look to kaede, i sigh and pull down my hat "I'm gonna leave i dont like drama, see ya mr. detective!" Kokichi fliked my hat up and walked away.

"Good morning shuichi." Kaede greeted me with slight annoyance in her tone "morning kaede" i sighed. She sat next to me and stared "w-what?" I stutter 'damn it she told me to stop' "why where you talking with Ouma?" She asked strictly. What? What does ouma have to do with anything? "W-what's wrong with talking to him?" I asked a little rougher tone that i had hoped "ugh shuichi you always do this! You were supposed to call me yesterday but you blew me off to talk to ouma and you were supposed to walk with me to school yet here you are talking to ouma!" She complained. Damn it. I dont wanna fight again. I just didn't feel like talking to her for this exact reason "he's my friend and you were busy yelling at me yesterday" i pulled down my hat but she ripped it from my hands "this too! This dumb hat i can never look at you in the eyes because of this!" She put it down and sighed .

Word count: 1087

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