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Mini- oh my sisters friend is over there can I go say hi?
Rose- Mini you don't have to ask me if you can do things you're your own person you can make your own decisions I'll be here when you want to come back after talking to her *she smiles*
Mini- I've never had friends like you before *she smiles* thank you
Rose- it's okay now goooo *she smiles*
*Mini skips to her sisters friend and leaves Rose sat on a bench in the sun*
Girl- have no friends?
Rose- who are you?
Girl- I'm a nice person when you're on the right side of me and your worst nightmare when you're on the wrong side of me
Rose- so what you're saying is that if I'm not friends with you and in your little girl group then you will hate me with no reason at all until I come begging to you to be my friend and even then you will still treat me like shit? Because I've met girls like you before and I have NEVER been friends with any of you I keep my friendship group small and there's one rule. No prissy girls that will hate you for wearing the wrong colour lipgloss or not being pretty enough *she rolls her eyes*
Girl- you've just got on the wrong side of a very bad person
Rose- oh please I did that on the first hour I got here with one of the Mills twins
Girl- you stay away from the Mills twins. Max is my boyfriend and Harvey is my besties boyfriend. If you do so much as look at them I will make your life a living hell
Rose- oh please my life was already a living hell before i got here and met you. You're just adding too it
Girl- urgh! *she says getting annoyed and slamming her fists  on the table and storming off*
Boy-was she bothering you?
Rose- no it was pretty funny actually anyway what do you want Mills?
Boy- I'm not Mills. Wait no I am Mills but I'm not that Mills
Rose- oh so you're Harvey
Harvey- yes I am. And that there is grace the psycho girl that is in love with Max and that *he points to a girl stood next to her* is Olivia who is another psycho girl that is in love with me. If she told you to stay away from us because me and Olivia are together and her and Max are together then she's lying a pretty girl like you doesn't have to stay away from us besides Max is right you're intriguing and to answer your question no me and Max aren't in relationships with them.
Rose- why are you and Max so interested in me?
Harvey- because were determined to find out your story there's more to you than meets the eye. Besides we all need to have each other's backs in here. It's a dangerous place this even though it doesn't seem like it. And it's also good to have friends in here. So you're more than welcome to join our friend group with your friend Mini if you'd like.
Mini- Rose? Is everything okay here *she says cautiously while walking back to them*
Harvey- I better go but just think about it yeah?
*Rose nods her head slowly and Harvey walks away*
Mini- okay what was all that about?
Rose- just him telling me about Grace and Olivia the two "popular" girls in here. I had a run in with Grace and I told her about herself. Harvey came over and said that they are obsessed with him and Max and that they think their in relationships with them but they aren't and that they go around saying that their with Max and Harvey when that's not true so if she threatens you or Olivia does you come and get me or the boys. They're nice I guess? They won't turn you away anyway I know that much.
Mini- woah you found all that out already?
Rose- yeah why?
Mini- my cousin was friends with them when he was in here and it took him until almost the end of his stay to get to know a little bit about them and Harvey has just come up to you and told you all of that and he barley knows you
Rose- apparently I'm intriguing to them they want to know more about me but there's nothing more to know *she lies*
Guard- alright ladies and gentlemen time to get to work! All the newbies head to the councillors office to be assigned jobs to earn your pay to buy things here! Everyone else get to work!
*Rose and Mini head to get assigned jobs*

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