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Guard- name
Rose- Rose McGuire
Guard- room number?
Rose- 1030
Guard- age and date of birth
Rose- 17. 6 of July 2003
Guard- oh so you've just turned 17
Rose- yeah like last week
Guard- nice well your job is in the sports centre part. You will have to clean the equipment and set more up when one session finishes. You will also have to lead sessions sometimes we will give you your rota for when that happens. Here's your badge to say that you're allowed to be there. If your not wearing that you don't get in and if you loose it, it will take 2 days to get another one.
Rose- okay thank you. Where's the sports centre?
Guard- down the hall turn right. 3rd door on your left you can't miss it there's a sign too.
Rose- okay *she leaves in a huff because she hates sports*
Mini- hey what did you get?
Rose- sports centre
Mini- that's better than what I got
Rose- why what did you get?
Mini- crafts making things to send out from here to shops to help raise money to keep this place open, the guard that gave me the job gave me like a 10 minuet lecture on why the job she gave me is important
Rose- the guard that gave me my job was blunt and said that to say that I've just turned 17 I'm basically a trouble maker but we all already knew that, that's the whole reason why I'm in here *she rolls her eyes*
Mini- okay this is my stop I will see you at tea time and then back in our room
Rose- yeah have fun see ya
*in the gym*
Creepy guard- you must be the newbie and what a fine newbie we have here *he says checking her out*
Rose- yeah I'm 17 you're about 35 leave me alone
Creepy guard- looks like I'm going to have to keep an extra close eye on you
Harvey- hey Rose what are you doing here? *he says saving her from the situation*
Rose- *feeling a lot safer now Harvey's there* I work here now
Harvey- yeah same let me show you the ropes
Creepy guard- I can show her the ropes just fine Mills *he says biting his lip while looking at Rose*
Harvey- yeahhh no I've worked here longer than you've been working at this whole camp so I probably know what I'm doing better than you but thanks *he smiles spitefully*
*he grabs Rose's arm and pulls her into the gym*
Rose- okay what the fuck was that?
Harvey- which part? The guard flirting with you or me saving you?
Rose- both
Harvey- well I wasn't about to let you get assaulted by a guard and they wouldn't believe you if you spoke up about it anyway and he's always been like that since he came here, he flirts with every girl that works here so they haven't put girls on this part of the building in years that's why I was so surprised when I saw you
Rose- so why have they put me here then?
Harvey- probably because there's nowhere else to put you
Rose- what's that supposed to mean Harvey?
Harvey- it means that they have read your file Rose. They think that you can't handle it in the other classes so they're putting you somewhere you can get your energy out.
Rose- so they're separating me from everyone else because I have ADHD?
Harvey- exactly that
Rose- so why are you down here?
Harvey- all the trouble makers like the worst ones get send down here a long with the people with ADHD. Max is down here too so is Grace and Olivia but that's just because they want to be with the guys and they don't want to be split up and also Olivia has ADHD too I'm not too sure what Grace has
Rose- well where do I start?
Harvey- uh we usually don't actually do anything until the guards do their rounds so come sit with Max, the boys and I.
Rose- will Olivia and Grace be there?
Harvey- that's kind of part of the friendship, you're stuck with Grace and Olivia because they're obsessed with Max and I.
Rose- I can tell them for you if you want
Harvey- the last person that did that got an extra 3 months added onto their sentence and they didn't speak to us again
Rose- well I'm not the last person I'm Rose McGuire
Harvey- your last names McGuire?
Rose- yeah why?
Harvey- I've just never heard you say your last name before
Rose- you haven't spoken to me a lot so you wouldn't know it's Max that keeps speaking to me
Max- I heard my name. Oh hi Rose, what are you doing in here?
Rose- I work here now. Wait Harvey you said that girls didn't work down here so why are Grace and Olivia working here?
Harvey- that guard leaves them alone because they're too annoying for him but you're a lone wolf he'll be attracted to you
Max- oh has she had a run in with THAT guard
Harvey- yeah if I hadn't of turned up then he would have probably tried something on with her
Rose- I am here you know. And what makes you think I would let him?
Max- we don't think you would let him but he will force himself onto you
Harvey- yeah let's not get into that shall we?
Max- yeah let's not
Rose- right I've had too much weirdness for the first day I've been here. Are we going to sit down or are we gonna work?
Harvey- well the guards come around every half hour so we have 20 minutes of that left so we can chill for 15 and then act like we're working until they have done their rounds we finish at 5 so we have at least 3 hours of that left
Rose- well that's go then *she says walking off and joining a massive group of boys and Grace and Olivia*
Harvey- you're right there is something about her
Max- I think she'd be so right for you though maybe put you on the right track in here. Even though I seem worse than you that's not true you're quiet and that's the scariest thing going.
Harvey- yeah let's just see how it goes even if we're just friends it will be better than nothing
Max- you're intrigued aren't you?
Harvey- yeah now I know where you're coming from
*both boys walk and sit down in the group*

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