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*a few days later*
Philip- hey Harv do you remember that Kai guy?
*immediately everyone tenses*
Harvey- *sighs* yeah bro what about him?
Philip- when I get out I'm still after him you know
Harvey- why don't you just let it go now? It's been almost 4 years maybe even longer because you were after him way before we got put in here
Philip- no I'm not letting him get away with the shit he's done the fucking knob head
Rose- and what has this Kai person done? *she says feeling her blood start to boil*
Philip- well princess he was the one that snitched on us all to the police and we were on the run for ages. Max and Harvey and the rest of the boys let it go but I haven't
Rose- Philip don't call me princess or I will shove my crown right up your arse you'll be still feeling it in 50 years time
Max- Rose *he laughs* chill with the threats *he says continuing to laugh*
Rose- I can't help it he really grinds me gears *she rolls her eyes before walking away to the girls*
Rose- I found out why Philip is after my brother *she whisper so only they can hear*
Olivia- what's he done?
Rose- he snitched to the police. That day that he was there he snitched to the police and they were on the run for ages and Philip still won't drop it.
Mini- I'm sorry but snitches don't last long around London and Yatley
Rose- I know which is why I'm baffled because he never snitched on me and he must have gotten the bus for like an hour and a half to get to Yatley because we lived on the outskirts of it not in the town itself in like the suburban areas
Mini- aren't you moving down there when all this is over?
Rose- shit yeah we are. That's why my brother was yelling at my mum the day I found out I was coming here. She told me on the way home from school and then she told my brother and I that we were moving to Yatley when I got out he seemed calm about it there and then but started yelling at my mum when I was upstairs it all makes sense now.
Olivia- you've been lied to by the one person you thought would never lie to you I get how frustrated you must feel
Rose- frustrated isn't even the word *she says through gritted teeth*
Olivia- Rose calm down you can't let him know you're Kai's sister he will maul you like a pack of wolves
Mini- I agree
Rose- he's going to find out anyway I'm moving down there when I get out
Jared- *who had been stood there for god knows how long* sounds like you're in a predicament
Rose- Jesus! *she shouts holding her chest* you scared the living daylights out of me Jared
Jared- *laughing* I'm sorry Rose

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