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*the people start working out and Rose's group stand by and help when needed*
Philip- yo Mills *he says looking at Harvey*
Harvey- what's up mate?
Philip- spot me while I lift weights please?
Harvey- yeah sure
*Harvey walks to him*
Rose- liv who was that? I've never seen either of the boys speak to him before and I haven't seen Jared speak to him and he's speaks to everyone
*before Olivia could answer Leo answered*
Leo- that's one of Harvey's boys from when they ran the streets. He was in a padded cell for a while for his own safety. He's improved a lot. Tried to off himself the first day he got here. Drug withdrawal.
Rose- and he's only just got out?
Leo- yeah the minuet i walked through the door he got let out. I saw him walking out of the corridor they keep them in.
Rose- well whoever he is he seems fine now
Leo- only time will tell
*Mini and Olivia were also listening to this conversation*
Jared- what are you guys talking about
Leo- *nods over to Harvey and Philip* wouldn't be surprised if Harvey changes now he's back. Max never liked him he was only allowed there when Harvey was around he also has a job in here
Mini- how do you know?
Leo- he told me a few minutes before he called Harvey over he's only in here to let some steam off before he starts work
Max- what are you gu- *he cuts off noticing Philip* fucking great stuff
Leo- even worse he's working in here with you guys
Max- I swear I'll do more time for murder if he hurts any of you. Philip isn't a good guy he's one of the worst out of all of our old friends. Not as bad as Harvey and I were but he was still pretty bad. That's all we fucking need. All of this year we're under review to see if we're getting out at the end of it. We can't afford for this to be fucked up. Especially because of him.
Rose- fuck sake they're coming over. Act natural.
Harvey- hey you lot this is-
Max- Philip. Yeah we know
Rose- Leo kind of told us
Philip- it's little Mills *he says partially excited*
Leo- you alright
Philip- yeah now I've gotten out of that padded cell. I'm working with you lot now the guards just sent me here to let some energy out before work tomorrow. And who are you? *he says looking and winking at mini*
Mini- I'm mini *she says trying not to look too disgusted*
Philip- what you in here for sexy?
Rose- Okayy that's enough. Jesus your friends really don't have respect do they Mills? *she says turning to Max*
Philip- and who's this silly slag?
Max- you shouldn't have done that Phil
Philip- why? Like she's gonna do anything
Rose- *grabs his shirt and pushes him up against some equipment inches away from his face* you ever call me a slag again I will personally chop you 1 inch warrior off and shove it so far down your throat that your future baby's mum will taste it. Now I suggest you don't fuck with me or my friends because I will act on my threats. *she says letting him go and walking away*
Max- *laughing* I told you not to do it
Harvey- yeah she's the toughest girl in here she's the wrong person to fuck with
Leo- she walled me up when I got here too you're not on your own *he laughs*
Philip- how can such a small person harbour so much strength? *he says rubbing his neck*
Olivia- to not have that happen to you again follow these simple steps. Don't fuck her around or call her names. Don't fuck with her friends AKA everyone in this group. Don't say anything about her family. Oh and don't say anything about sexual abuse to her or around her.
Philip- why the sexual abuse thing?
Harvey- don't ask questions
Max- just don't mention it and if you do I will knock you out personally
Philip- alright mate chill
Max- I'm not your mate *he says walking away after Rose*
Harvey- Philip go back to exercising
*Philip walks away and Harvey tells the whole group to follow him to get to Rose and Max*
Max- what's up harv?
Harvey- Philip can not know that Rose is a McGuire
Rose- why?
Harvey- because he has a run in with your brother a while back and ever since then he's either been after him or after his family so if he knows he won't stop at anything to hurt you. You're in danger for as long as he knows
Olivia- but why?
Jared- because he will hurt Rose to get to her brother
Mini- we all need to keep this quiet
Guard- okay everyone time for food!
Max- saved by the yell

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