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*Rose is in a deep sleep as this is her day off when she hears a huge bang outside in the corridor and she shoots up and rushes to the door to check*
Rose- *without looking because the light was bright* do you mind?! There's people trying to sleep here and by people I mean me *she groans*
Max- sorry McGuire. I'm trying to fix this light. I'm the only one that took electrics at school and the electrician isn't here today as his wife is having a baby so I got told to do the job on my day off too
Rose- *yawns* I took electrics in school too. Give me 10 minuets and I'll help you because it sounds like you're struggling
Max- but we'll get into trouble if you're helping me with my jobs
Rose- oh please we work in the same thing we do each other's jobs all the time and help each other helping you fix a light is gonna gain me a slap on the wrist if that and with you. You won't get any punishments I'll just take the blame
Max- but why would you do that?
Rose- you have a rent free space where my soft spot is. In other words I have a soft spot for you *she smiles* 10 minuets to brush my teeth and hair and get dressed. Don't move. If the guards say anything tell them that you're taking a break because the lights are heavy. You're good at making things up. *she smiles while closing the door*
*exactly 10 minuets later Rose emerges from her room and helps Max. They have a laugh and then they finally finish their task and head down to the food hall to get something to eat. They grab their trays and sit down at the table that they usually sit at the only difference is their friends aren't there*
Rose- do you know where everyone is?
Max- probably enjoying their day off sleeping in or outside or even in the games and the tv room. Whereas we have just finished fixing a light and we're now eating food and then we will probably go and find them
Rose- yeah sounds like a plan *she laughs at his thoroughly thought up plan*
*20 minutes later they finish their food and go and find their friends. The first person they find is Mini and she's outside snogging some guys face off they're taken by shock because the guards are usually yelling that the inmates can't touch each other for long periods of time let alone literally eat each other's faces*
Rose- *coughs* mini
Mini- oh hey guys *she says pulling away from the boy her lips red*
Max- sorry to interrupt but umm unless you guys want to get time added onto your sentences' because of inappropriately touching another inmate then I suggest you stop.
Boy- you can't tell us what to do mate
Max- I'm sorry who are you?
Boy- my name is Kyle
Max- well Kyle I'm literally trying to help you so that you and my friend Mini don't get time added onto your sentences'. But if you're gonna treat me like a dickhead then I'll act like a dickhead. Get your dirty paws off of my friend before you get more time added onto her sentence which she doesn't need because she's thriving in here with us. But we also want her out at the same time as us. If you wanna have sex go and do it with someone who doesn't have friends like me who actually care about their friends. Now you can go.
Kyle- Mini are you gonna let this arsewipe talk to me like that?
Mini- he has a point
Rose- don't call him an arsewipe
Kyle- what are you gonna do? Huh? *he says looking down at her* your just as deluded as your silly little boyfriend here
Rose- he's not my boyfriend
Kyle- oh so why are you backing him then?
Rose- ya see that's what you fail to understand about this place. Everyone needs to have each other's backs. Besides Max is the first person that made me feel like I'm safe in here other than Mini she's my best friend and I agree with Max's points so that's also why I'm backing him.
Kyle- you have such a big mouth for a small girl *he says pushing her*
Max- don't push her
*this time Rose didn't fight back she froze up*
Kyle- or what?
Mini- guys stop
*Kyle throws a punch at Max and then they're in a full blown brawl in the courtyard. Rose is still on the floor from when Kyle pushed her just froze into place. Min runs off to find the others and after 5 minuets returns with them. Harvey jumps on Max's back and pulls him away. Jared pulls Kyle away and Olivia and Mini check on Rose. They all scarpered back to Rose's room before they guards came and there were no cameras in that part of the courtyard that's why Mini and Kyle were snogging there*
Harvey- what the fuck happened! Max what happened to not getting time added on to our sentence in this last year and being on our best behaviour?!
Rose- Harvey relax. He did it because Kyle pushed me over
Harvey- he did what? I shouldn't have ripped Max off of him then
Mini- no you should. If you had of just watched then you would have gotten into shit too and that would have attracted more attention also Max could have seriously hurt him as Kyle can't fight for shit
Jared- Kyle still shouldn't lay hands on a girl though that's the lowest of the low
*Max is sat quietly on Leo's bed staring at the door. Rose sits down next to him and touches his leg and he immediately snaps out of his trance*
Max- sorry what? I wasn't listening
Harvey- I'm not mad, now that I know the reason you did it I can't be mad because I would have done it too
Rose- what's wrong Max?
Max- I haven't felt that much anger in a long time, like I haven't been like this in almost 4 years.
Harvey- oh no *he says in a sudden realisation* come on Max let's go talk *he says walking out of Rose's room Max getting up and following behind him*'
Olivia- okay what was all that about?
Jared- if I'm thinking the right thing then this is very good but also very bad at the same time
Rose- *instant worry spread across her face* what do you mean Jared?
Jared- it's not my place to say whether they tell you themselves is a different story but it's not coming from me. It's not so much to do with Harvey it's to do with Max
Rose- that just makes me worry even more
Olivia- okay let's not talk about this. Let's go and do something. I mean it's our day off after all
Mini- yeah Liv is right let's go watch a movie or something
*everyone agrees. Rose more reluctant. And they head to the movie and games room without Max and Harvey*

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